释义 |
耗耗 | 164B30 10S.70-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄏㄠˋ [hao4] | N. | Bad news: 音耗 ditto; 噩耗 shocking news (of s.o.’s death).
| V.i. & t. | To waste away: 耗盡,耗光,耗乾 spend all; 耗日子,耗時間 to waste time.
| Adj. | Bad (crops): (AC) 年之豐耗 year of good or bad crops.
| Words | 1. 耗費 [hao4fei4], v.i., spend (with reference to cost): 耗費甚大 cost a lot; to waste (time, energy). 2. 耗減 [hao4jian3], v.t., lose in value, depreciate. 3. 耗子 [hao4zi0], n., (coll.) a rat, mouse.