

ㄒㄧˊ [xi2
N.(1)  A surname.
(2)  Habit, customs: 惡 bad habits;
bad customs;
old habits;
慣,氣,[xi2guan4], [xi2qi0], [xi2xing4]↓;
慣成自然 what is habitually done becomes natural;
與性成 (AC) habit becomes second nature;
性相近,相遠 men are born about the same, but habits make them differ.
V.i. & t.(1)  To learn, practise, exercise: 學 learn (writing, medicine, technique, etc.);
to exercise, an exercise;
,複 review (lessons);
teach (history, etc.);
(n. & v.i.) exercise, military drill, practice.
(2)  Be used to, accustomed to, form habit: 非成是 what becomes customary is accepted as right;
惰 (LL) become habitually lazy;
以為常 get accustomed to s.t.
Adj.Familiar: [xi2su2]↓;
become intimate with (person).
Adv.Often: 見 see oftentimes;
be familiar with (a fact);
聞 have often heard.
Words1. [xi2bing1], (1) v.i., to be trained as soldier; (2) adj., versed in military matters.
2. [xi2qi0], n., habits (good, bad), habitual temperament.
3. 得性 [xi2de2xing4], phr., acquired habit, response.
4. [xi2ding4], v.i., (Budd. & Neo-Confucian) mental discipline to free mind of thoughts and desires.
5. [xi2guan4], n., habits; customs: 惡慣 bad customs or habits (cf. [xi2su2]↓); 慣法 common law based on actual practice; 慣性 habitual nature.
6. [xi2liu2], n., (AC) soldiers trained in swimming.
7. [xi2mie4], phr., from 善滅惡 (Budd.) learn good and forsake evil.
8. [xi2ran3], n., habit (from “contagion”).
9. [xi2xing4], n., temperament, habitual nature.
10. [xi2xi2], adj., (AC) rustling of wind or wings; (AC) gaily gathered together.
11. [xi2shu2], adj., familiar.
12. [xi1su2], n., local customs.
13. [xi2ti2], n., exercises provided in textbooks.
14. [xi2zi4], v.i., to learn calligraphy; learn new words.





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