释义 |
羞羞 | 1064B15 80.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄒㄧㄡ [xiu1] | N. | (1) A shame: 羞恥,羞辱 [xiu1chi3], [xiu1ru4]↓; 貽羞 bring shame (to relatives, etc.); 含羞忍辱 suffer humiliations. (2) Flavory food: 珍羞 exotic dishes.
| V.i. & t. | Feel ashamed, shy: 害羞 ditto; 不羞 not ashamed; 羞與為伍 ashamed to be his colleague (friend); 羞答答,羞羞答答,羞刺刺,羞怯怯 very shy; 羞死人也,羞殺人也 shames one to death, makes one die of shame; 羞得面紅耳赤 blush all over; 惱羞成怒 turn angry from embarrassment.
| Adj. | Shameful: 羞口難開 too embarrassed (or shy) to speak; 羞手羞腳 timid, dare not move; 羞刀難入鞘 a drawn sword cannot be put back into scabbard--must go through with a thing, once it is started.
| Words | 1. 羞怯 [xiu1qie4], adj., timid, timorous; shy. 2. 羞恥 [xiu1chi3], n., sense of shame (or honor). 3. 羞憤 [xiu1fen4], adj., agitated for action from shame suffered. 4. 羞花 [xiu1hua1], phr., (LL) “to shame the flowers”--of woman's resplendent beauty. 5. 羞愧 [xiu1kui4], adj. & v.i., feel ashamed: 羞愧難當 embarrassed beyond words. 6. 羞明 [xiu1ming2], n., (med.) photophobia. 7. 羞惱 [xiu1nao3], adj., humiliated and angry. 8. 羞人 [xiu1ren2], phr., shames one: 羞人的事 s.t. which makes one shamed. 9. 羞辱 [xiu1ru4], v.t. & n., to humiliate (person); a shame, insult. 10. 羞澀 [xiu1se4], adj. (1) awkward and shy; [xiu1se4], adj. (2) as in 阮囊羞澀 phr., (allu.) embarrassingly short of money (阮 is person's surname.) 11. 羞惡 [xiu1wu4], n., as in 羞惡之心 (AC & LL) a sense of shame.