释义 |
置置 | 681B45 41D.30-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 13 | ㄓˋ [zhi4] [Usu. printed ] | V.t. | (1) To place (s.t. in position), to put down, lay down: 設置,安置 to set s.t. in place (e.g., a bed, a table); 裝置,配置 to arrange, set up (things) in place (e.g., a frigidaire); 佈置 or 布置 to spread out, to arrange (furniture), to deploy (troops); 位置 a given place for s.t., a position; 在那個位置 in that position; 置於死地 expose (s.o.) to mortal danger, doom a person to death 置身局外 to keep aloof from, refrain from getting involved. (2) To set aside, to leave unattended: 置之不理 to ignore it, put it on the shelf; 置若罔聞 ignore completely; 置疑 doubt, suspect (the feasibility, truthfulness, etc.); 不置一辭 did not utter a comment; 擱置 to put aside; 棄置 to abandon (wife, lover). (3) To purchase provisions: 置產業 or 購置產業 buy up property; 置酒 prepare wine for dinner; 置辦,置備 [zhi4ban0], [zhi4bei0]↓.
| Words | 1. 置辦 [zhi4ban0], v,t., to buy (provisions, wedding dresses, etc.), prepare (dinner). 2. 置備 [zhi4bei0], v,t., to make preparations for things needed. 3. 置辯 [zhi4bian4], v,t., to give reply in argument.