释义 |
罄罄 | 174A55 11.21 | 部居
| 畫數 17 | ㄑㄧㄥˋ [qing4] | V.t. | To exhaust, use up: 罄竹難書 (of a man's sins, misdemeanors) too numerous to inscribe on all bamboo strips.
| Adj. | Exhausted, used up: 告罄 (s.t. like money, rice) is all used up.
| Words | 1. 罄竭 [qing4jie2], adj., finished, exhausted (funds, etc.). 2. 罄然 [qing4ran2], adj., (AC) tidy, neat. 3. 罄身(兒) [qing4shen1] ([er0]), adj., (MC) stripped of clothing.