释义 |
缺缺 | 1390B35 92S.70-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄑㄩㄝ [qUe1] | N. | (1) A vacancy, unoccupied post: 有缺,沒缺 there is, is not, a vacancy; 空缺 a vacancy; 官缺 vacant post (in government); 補缺 to fill the vacancy; 開缺,出缺 leave a vacancy. (2) Post in government: 肥缺,美缺 a lucrative post; 閑缺 a sinecure, a post with nothing to do; 苦缺 poorly paid job. (3) A lack: 欠缺 shortcoming, s.t. wanting or lacking.
| V.t. | To be short of, to lack: 缺少 [qUe1shao3]↓; 缺乏 [qUe1fa2]↓; 缺錢,缺食 lack money, food; 缺吃缺穿 have not enough for food and clothing; 缺穿,缺戴 (of woman) not adequately dressed; 缺水 (of plants) need watering; 缺一門 short of one category; 缺三十塊錢 thirty dollars short or need thirty dollars to make an amount.
| Adj. | (1) Missing, cracked, crippled: 殘缺不全 (set of books) incomplete, (person) crippled; see 缺齒兒,缺口 [qUe1che3er0], [qUe1kou3]↓. (2) Short in sense of shortcoming: 缺點,缺憾,缺陷 [qUe1dian3], [qUe1han4], [qUe1xian4]↓. (3) (Of person) lacking in conscience: 這人真缺,他缺極了 this man is very unscrupulous (really short for 缺德 [qUe1de2]↓).
| Words | 1. 缺齒兒 [qUe1che3er0], adj., with front teeth missing. 2. 缺欠 [qUe1qian4], v.t., to be short of (things, cash, etc.); to owe. 3. 缺脣 [qUe1chun2], adj., harelipped. 4. 缺德 [qUe1de2], adj., unscrupulous, wicked, without conscience. 5. 缺點 [qUe1dian3], n., a shortcoming, a lack. 6. 缺額 [qUe1e2], n., a vacancy. 7. 缺乏 [qUe1fa2], n. & v.t., a lack; to lack. 8. 缺分 [qUe1fen0], n., a vacant post to be filled. 9. 缺憾 [qUe1han4], n., an imperfection. 10. 缺刻葉 [qUe1ke1ye4], n., (bot.) incised leaf. 11. 缺課 [qUe1ke4], phr., to miss a class. 12. 缺口 [qUe1kou3], adj., (1) (also 缺口兒) a crack (as in a teacup); (2) see [qUe1zui3]↓. 13. 缺少 [qUe1shao3], n. & v.t. & adj., lack, lacking (in funds, talent, planning, etc.). 14. 缺陷 [qUe1xian4], n., (1) a failing; (2) a shortcoming: 缺陷美 charm of some special characteristic or imperfection. 15. 缺席 [qUe1xi2], v.i., to be absent at meeting. 16. 缺嘴 [qUe1zui3], adj., (1) (child) never stops eating, loves eating; (2) harelipped; (3) (teapot) with a broken sprout.