释义 |
纏纏 | 1424B15 93B.11-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 21 | ㄔㄢˊ [chan2] (*ㄘㄞˊ [cai2] ). | V.t. | (1) To bind, to encircle: 繞纏,纏縛 [chan2rao4], [chan2fu2]↓; 纏足,纏腳 [chan2zu2], [chan2jiao3]↓; 腰纏,盤纏 money carried in girdle, esp. for journey. (2) To tie up: 纏束 [chan2shu4]↓; 俗務纏身 tied up with business affairs. (3) To bother, annoy, entangle: 糾纏 to tie up in a knot; (fig.) 休纏我 don't bother me; 纏來纏去 keep bothering, also drag around and around or get entangled. (4) (S.t.) difficult to handle: 她不好纏 she is difficult to cope with (better keep away from).
| Adv. | (*[cai2]) Just, just now (also wr. 才): 剛纏 ditto; 纏在說話 was just talking a moment ago (see 才 10.00).
| Words | 1. 纏袋 [chan2dai4]1, n., a wallet suspended on girdle. 2. 纏帶 [chan2dai4]2, n., girdle (usu. of cloth). 3. 纏縛 [chan2fu2], v.t., (lit. & fig.) tie up, bind (bundle, legs, etc.). 4. 纏腳 [chan2jiao3], v.i., bind one's feet (foot binding), see [chan2zu2]↓. 5. 纏夾二 [chan2jia2er4], n., (Shang-hai) an annoying (muddleheaded) person, a pettifogger. 6. 纏累 [chan2lei3], v.t., to involve, implicate (another). 7. 纏綿 [chan2mian2], adj., sentimental: 纏綿悱惻 sad and sentimental (poem, letter). 8. 纏磨 [chan2mo0], v.t., (1) to bother: 你別纏磨我 don't bother me; (2) to be tangled up with (girl, lover). 9. 纏擾 [chan2rao3], v.t., to annoy (person) by persistent pleading, etc. 10. 纏繞 [chan2rao4], v.t., (of memories, longings) envelop (one's mind). 11. 纏惹 [chan2re3], v.t., to annoy. 12. 纏身 [chan2shen1], v.t., to be entangled (with business). 13. 纏聲 [chan2sheng1], n., (mus.) to prolong sound on string. 14. 纏束 [chan2shu4], v.t., & n., to restrict by rules, to hamper; to tie up (girdle); girdle. 15. 纏頭 [chan2tou2], n., formerly, gratuity given to singer in appreciation. 16. 纏足 [chan2zu2], v.i., to bind one's feet (foot binding).