释义 |
縷縷 | 1447C50 93B.93-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 17 | ㄌㄩˇ [lU3] | N. | A fine thread: 萬縷青絲 a mass of black hair; 金縷衣 jacket of gold threads.
| Adv. | Finely, in fine detail: 條分縷析 analyze point by point; 縷陳,縷述 to narrate in detail, point by point.
| Words | 1. 縷縷 [lU2lU3], adv., (1) in detail: 縷縷陳述 to narrate in detail; 不盡縷縷 (in conclusion of letters) I need not detail all that I feel; (2) continuously. 2. 縷續 [lU3xU4], adv., (also 縷縷續續) continuously, (narrate) in snatches, on and off, (related to 陸續 [lu4xU4]).