

ㄨㄤˇ [wang3
N.(1)  A net, netting: 漁 fish net;
開一面,開三面 a net open on one or three sides-purposely leave loopholes for escape from the law;
cast net;
set trap;
spread net;
escape being caught;
(fig.) entanglements: 塵 worldly entanglements;
the encompassing laws.
(2)  Web, net-like structure: 蛛 spider's web;
hair net;
鐵絲 wire netting;
barbed net.
(3)  Network: 通訊 network of newspaper agencies;
鐵路 network of railways, etc.
Words1. [wang2ban3], n., (prnting) copper plate.
2. [wang3qiu2], n., tennis.
3. [wang2gu3], n., fishing net and traps.
4. [wang3jin1], n., hair net, meshed shawl.
5. 狀脈 [wang3zhuang4mo4], n., (bot.) netted veins.
6. [wang3lan2], n., a basket with net on top.
7. [wang3luo2], v.t., to seek and collect (famous scholars, etc.).
8. [wang3mo2], n., (physiol.) the retina.
9. [wang3mu4], n., meshes.
10. [wang2yan3], n., meshes of net.





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