释义 |
維維 | 1424C35 93B.11-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄨㄟˊ [wei2] | N. | (1) A fish net, what holds together: 四維八德 the four anchors (“hawsers”) and eight virtues, i.e., moral foundations of society. (2) Fiber: 纖維 fiber, plastic fiber.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To hold together, bind together, maintain: 維持,維護 [wei2chi2]↓, [wei2hu4]↓; 維繫 [wei2xi4]↓. (2) To think, ponder: 思維 ditto (also wr. 思惟). (3) (AC interch. 為,是,以) to be: 其命維新 the mandate from Heaven is new; 進退維谷 only ravines--difficult to proceed or retreat; 時運維艱 the times are difficult; 維子之故 it is on account of you, see 惟 22A.11.
| Words | 1. 維持 [wei2chi2], v.t., to maintain, support, keep (order). 2. 維護 [wei2hu4], v.t., support, uphold (faith, country). 3. 維縶 [wei2zhi2], v.t., to bind, hold together (people's loyalty, etc.); to restrain. 4. 維生素 [wei2sheng1su4], n., see [wei2ta1ming4]↓; 維生系統 (astron.) life-support system. 5. 維繫 [wei2xi4], v.t., to tie, bind, keep from falling apart, support (faith, life). 6. 維新 [wei2xin1], v.i., to reform: 維新派 reformist in gen; 維新運動 Reformist Movement of 1898. 7. 維他命 [wei2ta1ming4], n., (translit.) vitamin.