释义 |
綢綢 | 1434B30 93B.42-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄔㄡˊ [chou2] | N. | Silks, silk goods: 綢緞 [chou2duan4]↓; 綢子 [chou2zi0]↓; 綢衣服 silk dress; 彩綢 colored silks; 紡綢 pongee; 生綢 raw pongee; 熟綢 soft pongee.
| Words | 1. 綢緞 [chou2duan4], n., silk goods (“light silk and satin”). 2. 綢繆 [chou2mou2], adj. & v.i., (1) very attentive, affectionate (to lovers, friends); (2) 未雨綢繆 take preventive measures (“fix doors and windows in anticipation of rain”). 3. 綢子 [chou2zi0], n., silks in gen.