释义 |
統統 | 1440B30 93B.70-5 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄊㄨㄥˇ [tong3] | N. | Order, system: 系統,統系 genealogical tree, lineage; (philosophic or administrative) system; 皇統 the imperial genealogical tree; 道統,正統 orthodox tradition, explained as a continuous heritage from the ideal emperors 堯,舜,禹,湯,周公 and Confucius; 傳統 tradition; 體統 orderly appearance; 不成體統 unorthodox, disgraceful appearance; 總統 president of republic.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To unite: 統一 [tong3yi1]↓; 一統 to unite under one rule. (2) To command, lead: 統兵 command troops; 統轄,總統 govern as the head; 統帥,統領 [tong3shuai4]2, [tong3ling3], etc.↓.
| Adj. & adv. | All, entirely (interch. 通): 統通,統共 [tong3tong1], [tong3gong4]↓; 統盤(通盤)計劃 plan as a whole; 統籌(通籌)辦理 take charge and plan as a whole; 籠統 in an inexact, undefined slipshod manner.
| Words | 1. 統共 [tong3gong4], adv., altogether, all counted (=通共), all in all. 2. 統計 [tong3ji4], v. i. & t. & n., (compile) statistics: 統計起來; 人口統計 population statistics; 統計圖表(數字)statistical charts (figures). 3. 統制 [tong3zhi4]1, v. t., to govern (troops, territory). 4. 統治 [tong3zhi4]2, v. t. & n., rule, govern; 統治權 right to rule; 統治階級 ruling class. 5. 統括 [tong3kuo4], (1) v. t., include altogether; (2) adj., all-inclusive. 6. 統類 [tong3lei4], n., categories, species, kinds. 7. 統例 [tong3li4], n., general rules. 8. 統領 [tong2ling3], n., commander. 9. 統收 [tong3shou1], n., centralized receipt: 統收統支 centralized bursary system. 10. 統率 [tong3shuai4]1, v. t., to command (troops). 11. 統帥 [tong3shuai4]2, v. t. & n., command; commander. 12. 統緒 [tong3xU4], n., system of affairs, things. 13. 統體 [tong2ti3], n., whole body, the whole. 14. 統廳 [tong3ting1], n., hall connecting houses. 15. 統艙 [tong3cang1], n., steerage, deck, dist. cabins; 統艙客 steerage passenger. 16. 統通 [tong3tong1], adv., see [tong3gong4]↑. 17. 統統 [tong2tong3], adv., entirely, all, altogether: 統統遺失 all lost (=通通). 18. 統一 [tong3yi1], v. t., to unite, to bring under one system: 統一全國(國語,幣制)unite the country (national language, monetary system); p. p., united.