释义 |
細細 | 1432B05 93B.41-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄒㄧˋ [xi4] | Adj. | (1) Small: 細小 [xi4xiao3]↓; 細路 narrow path; 細流 small stream; 細水長流 a small but steady stream-small but steady income; 不分巨細 regardless of size (“big or small”); 細雨 drizzle, fine rain; 細聲 small voice. (2) Slender (waist, branch): 細裊裊 gracefully slender; 細高挑兒 (挑 pr. [tiao3]) tall and slender (person); 細柳 slender willows. (3) Fine, delicate, (cloth, porcelain): 精細 fine (carving, embroidery, etc.); 細密,細膩,細巧,細緻 [xi4mi4], [xi4ni4], [xi4qiao3], [xi4zhi0]↓; 細工,細活 fine work, handicraft; 細針密縷 fine, close stitches-(fig.) very carefully prepared plot or composition. (4) Detailed, minute: 瑣細 trivial details, 苛細 to exacting (rules, taxes); 細則,細故,細情 [xi4ze2], [xi4gu4], [xi4qing2]↓.
| Adv. | Carefully: 細問 question carefully; 細查,細究,細驗 examine carefully (accounts, goods at customs); 細談 have long talk, go over (subject) carefully; 細思,細想 think carefully, ponder; 細味 ponder over meaning of words, or flavor of dish; 仔細,詳細,精細 careful, -ly, with attention to details.
| Words | 1. 細胞 [xi4bao1], n., (biol.) cells; 細胞分裂 amitosis, cell division; 細胞學 cytology. 2. 細部 [xi4bu4], n., minute parts. 3. 細巧 [xi4qiao3], n., fine and delicate, dainty (watch, brooch, etc.). 4. 細情 [xi4qing2], n., the details of a story. 5. 細兒 [xi4er2], n., young son. 6. 細故 [xi4gu4], n., the details, a small item, trivial happening. 7. 細緻 [xi4zhi0], adj., see [xi4qiao3]↑. 8. 細菌 [xi4jUn4], n., bacteria; 細菌學 bacteriology. 9. 細君 [xi4jUn1], n., (AC) my wife. 10. 細毛(兒) [xi4mao2]([er0]), n., (1) down, fine hair; (2) fur of fine quality. 11. 細篾兒 [xi4mieh'er0], n., fine bamboo splints (used in mats, fine baskets, etc.). 12. 細密 [xi4mi4], adj., close (stitches); delicate handling (of detective work or espionage). 13. 細民 [xi4min2], n., (AC) common people. 14. 細目 [xi4mu4], n., items (of outline), clauses, specific details. 15. 細嫩 [xi4nen4], adj., young tender (skin, sprout). 16. 細娘 [xi4niang2], n., (MC) young girl. 17. 細膩 [xi4ni4], adj., dainty, beautiful (needlework, style, description). 18. 細人 [xi4ren2], n., (1) common people; (2) the mean and vulgar persons; (3) (MC) concubine: 叫我討個細人 asked me to find a concubine for him. 19. 細軟 [xi4ruan3], adj., as in 細軟物品 the valuables (jewels, silks, fragile things). 20. 細弱 [xi4ruo4], adj., young and helpless; adj., n., young dependents. 21. 細色 [xi4se4], n., (Budd.) handsome looks. 22. 細小 [xi4xiao3], adj., small, trivial, unimportant (work, affair). 23. 細細 [xi4xi4], adj., small and soft (voice), fine, delicate, see Adj. 1 & 3↑; adj., 細細的 adv., carefully. 24. 細行 [xi4xing4], n., small questions of conduct: 不矜細行 is not rigidly puritanical. 25. 細心 [xi4xin1]1, adv., with quiet attention; with concentration: 細心的研究 study carefully. 26. 細辛 [xi4xin1]2, n., the wild ginger, Asarum sieboldi. 27. 細說 [xi4shuo1], (1) v. t., to narrate at leisure; (2) n., (AC) gossip. 28. 細事 [xi4shi4], n., small matters; circumstantial evidence. 29. 細挑 [xi4tiao0], adj., slender (figure). 30. 細崽 [xi4zai3], n., a “boy” in employ of white foreign homes or firms (also 西崽). 31. 細則 [xi4ze2], n., detailed regulations. 32. 細作 [xi4zuo4], n., a military spy. 33. 細微 [xi4wei2], adj., small, unimportant (matters). 34. 細腰蜂 [xi4yao1feng1], n., wasp. 35. 細樂 [xi4yUe4], n., Chin. stringed and woodwind music, equiv. chamber music type, without drums and gongs. 36. 細勻 [xi4yUn2], adj., smooth and delicate (skin).