释义 |
索索 | 10C55 10.01 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄙㄨㄛˇ [suo3] | N. | (1) [suo3zi0] A rope: 鐵索 iron cable: 索頭 [suo3tou2]↓. (2) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) To search, try to get: 披索ditto; 索求,索解 [suo3qiu2], [suo3jie3]↓; 索取 [suo3qU3]↓. (2) To demand (payment): 索欠,索薪 [suo3qian4], [suo3xin1]↓.
| Vb. aux. | (MC) must (=須): 這數年索是(=須是)辛苦也 these last few years must be hard indeed; 你索教(=須使)意兒溫存 you must try to be gentle; 不索(=不須)生嗔 don't be angry.
| Adj. | Lonely, depressed: 索然 [suo3ran2]↓; 離群索居 live alone, cut off from society.
| Adv. | (*[suo2]) 索性 [suo2xing4]↓.
| Words | 1. 索欠 [suo3qian4], v.i., to demand pay. 2. 索求 [suo3qiu2], v.t., to seek (person, job, etc.). 3. 索取 [suo2qU3], v.i., try to get, obtain. 4. 索合 [suo3he2], aux. vb., (MC) must (=須當). 5. 索解 [suo2jie3], phr., requires explanation. 6. 索落 [suo3luo4], v.t., (coll.) to berate (person). 7. 索寞 [suo3mo4], adj., lonely, bored, depressed (also wr. 索莫,索漠). 8. 索賠 [suo3pei2], v.t., claim. 9. 索然 [suo3ran2], adj., (1) dull, uninteresting: 索然無味; (2) quiet, isolated: 牙門索然 (AC) commandant's office is quiet, without callers; (3) depressed: 索然出涕 (AC) depressed and shed tears. 10. 索性 *[suo2xing4], adj., (1) straight-tempered; (2) (*[suo2xing4]), adv., may just as well, simply, without further ado: 索性給了他 might just as well make it a gift to him; adj., 索性走了 left without further trouble. 11. 索薪 [suo3xin1], phr., to demand payment of salary in arrears. 12. 索是 [suo3shi4], aux. vb., (MC) must be. 13. 索索 [suo2suo3], adj., (1) a rustle, whispering sound; (2) (AC) frightened, startled; (3) bored, see [suo3ran2]↑. 14. 索頭 [suo3tou2], n., end of a rope. 15. 索要 [suo3yao4], v.t., to demand (money, etc.). 16. 索引 [suo2yin3]1, n., an index: 書名索引 title index; 作者索引 author index, etc. 17. 索隱 [suo3yin3]2, phr., (1) 探賾索隱 (AC) to search for hidden meanings; (2) 索隱行怪 to look for the abstruse and behave eccentrically.