释义 |
紛紛 | 1436B35 93B.50-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄈㄣ [fen1] | Adj. & adv. | Confusing, tangled, profuse: 紛爭 confused wrangling; 雪片紛飛 snowflakes flutter about; 紛至沓來 (guests, etc.) come in a throng: 繽紛 (flowers) 93B.80 in profusion.
| Words | 1. 紛歧 [fen1qi1], v. i., (opinions) diverge in confusion: 意見紛歧 a confusing variety of opinions. 2. 紛紛 [fen1fen1], adj. & adv., profuse, -ly: 紛紛揚揚 profusely. 3. 紛亂 [fen1luan4], adj., disorderly (assembly, program, furniture). 4. 紛綸 [fen1lun2], adj., profuse, plenteous, filled full. 5. 紛擾 [fen1rao3], v.t. & adj. & n., confuse, -ing, -sion, annoyance, disturbance. 6. 紛雜 [fen1za2], adj., disorderly (crowd, assortment of things). 7. 紛紜 [fen1yUn2], adj., profuse and confusing.