释义 |
紙紙 | 1442A20 93B.71-7 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄓˇ [zhi3] . [Var. of ] | N. | Paper: 硬紙 thick paper, brown paper; 硬紙板 cardboard; 衛生紙 sanitary napkin; 紙巾 paper napkin; 吸墨紙 blotting paper; 複寫紙 carbon paper; 紙條 a slip of paper; 紙片 a card; 片紙隻字 just a note with writing on it; 紙杯 paper cup; 洛陽紙貴 sensational sale of a new book (causing paper shortage); 紙上談兵 be armchair strategist; 紙老虎 “paper tiger”-not to be feared; 紙包不住火 paper cannot wrap fire-futile effort to stop scandal.
| Words | 1. 紙版 [zhi2ban3], n., (1) cardboard; (2) papiermache for printing; matrix. 2. 紙幣 [zhi3bi4], n., paper money. 3. 紙錢兒 [zhi3qia2er0], n., paper money burnt for the use of the departed spirits. 4. 紙張 [zhi3zhang1], n., paper. 5. 紙馬 [zhi2ma3], n., paper horse burned at funeral for use in the nether world. 6. 紙媒(兒) [zhi3mei2] ([zhi3merer0]), n., a paper roll, shaped like drinking straw, used for lighting pipe. 7. 紙捻兒 [zhi2niaaer0], n., ditto. 8. 紙牌 [zhi3pai2], n., playing cards. 9. 紙樣 [zhi3yang4], n., paper pattern (tailoring). 10. 紙煙 [zhi3yan1], n., cigarette (also 捲煙,煙捲兒). 11. 紙鳶 [zhi3yUan1], n., a kite. 12. 紙魚 [zhi3yU2], n., name for silver fish which eats into books.