释义 |
紀紀 | 1439A10 93B.70-4 | 部居
| 畫數 9 | ㄐㄧˋ [ji4] (also ㄐㄧˇ [ji3] ). | N. | (1) A year: 年紀 a person's age; 紀元 [ji4yUan2]↓. (2) A period of years: 世紀 a century. (3) (AC) a period of twelve years. (4) (Geol.) a subdivision of a geological era. (5) Rules, regulations, laws: 紀律 [ji4lU4], 紀綱 [ji4gang1]↓; 綱紀 discipline, rules of conduct; 法紀 law and discipline. (6) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) To sort (silk threads). (2) To record in writing: 紀事 [ji4shi4], 紀年 [ji4nian2], 紀錄 [ji4lu4]↓.
| Words | 1. 紀綱 [ji4gang1], n., (1) legal institutions, legal and political order; (2) (AC) a servant. 2. 紀極 [ji4ji2], n., the ultimate end (of things). 3. 紀錄 [ji4lu4], (1) v. t., put down in writing; (2) n., the minutes of a meeting, written records; (3) (sports) the best record yet achieved. 4. 紀律 [ji4lU4], n., discipline, morale. 5. 紀念 [ji4nian4], v. t., celebrate, commemorate: 紀念日 anniversaries of important events; 紀念門 a memorial arch; 紀念冊 a memento book; 紀念品 souvenir; 紀念碑 a memorial tablet, a cenotaph; 紀念郵票 a commemorative stamp. 6. 紀年 [ji4nian2], n., annals, yearly record of events. 7. 紀行 [ji4xing2], n., travel diary. 8. 紀事 [ji4shi4], (1) v. t., to chronicle; (2) n., chronicles, records. 9. 紀序 [ji4xU4], n., order of precedence. 10. 紀元 [ji4yUan2], n., the beginning of a reign or an era: 紀元前 B. C.; 紀元後 A. D.