释义 |
促促 | 1280A10 91A.83-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄘㄨˋ [cu4] | V.i. & t. | To hurry s.o. to do s.t.: 催促 ditto; to push forward: 促其成功,實現 help make it a success, help to realize (a scheme); 督促 supervise (construction,etc.).
| Adj. & adv. | (1) Urgent: 急促,忽促,緊促 ditto. (2) 侷促 uneasy, cramped, restricted in space. (3) Closely: 促坐,促席,促膝 sitting closely on mat, knee touching knee, see 促膝 [cu4xi1], 促席 [cu4xi2]↓.
| Words | 1. 促成 [cu4cheng2], v.t., to facilitate, help realize (project, success). 2. 促進 [cu4jin4], v.t., to promote (movement). 3. 促織 [cu4zhi1], n., name for cricket 蟋蟀 (“urging to weave” from cricket's incessant cry). 4. 促忙 [cu4mang2], adj., (MC) in a hurry. 5. 促拍 [cu4po4], n., (MC) quick tempo in music. 6. 促膝 [cu4xi1], v.i., to sit with bended knees close together (sitting on mat): 促膝而談 have intimate chat together. 7. 促狹 [cu4xia2] ([cu4xia0]), adj., mean, spiteful; 促狹鬼 mean and spiteful fellow, a louse. 8. 促席 [cu4xi2], adv., (AC) sitting closely on mat. 9. 促促 [cu4cu4], adj., fast closing (dusk).