释义 |
第第 | 1364A10 92A.22-5 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄉㄧˋ [di4] . [Abbr. wr. form ] | N. | (1) House: 第宅,宅第,私第 private residence, home; 闔第光臨 the whole family is invited; see 門第 52B.00. (2) Formerly, pass grade: 落第,不第 fail in official examinations, i.e., not listed; 及第 pass, on the list. (3) Sequence: 次第 sequence; 等第 grade. (4) Number: 第一,二,三 Nos. 1, 2, 3; 第一,二,三人稱 (gram.) first, second, third person; 第一流人物 first-class person; 第一夫人 First Lady; 第三者 third party (damage, etc.); 第三國際 Third International; 第六感 sixth sense; 第二代 the next, lower, generation; 第五縱隊 fifth column (ist).
| Adv. | (LL) Only: 第求足用 only hope to have enough to live on; 第恐 I only fear.