释义 |
符符 | 1359A45 92A.00-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄈㄨˊ [fu2] | N. | (1) Tally (with two halves, made of wood, bamboo, jade, metal): 符節 [fu2jie1]↓. (2) Marks, punctuation marks: 符號 [fu2hao4]↓. (3) Taoist magic formulas, charms, curses, written in conglommerate and peculiar characters: 符籙,符咒 [fu2lu4], [fu2zhou4]↓; 畫符 to draw Taoist magic characters; 護身符 amulet; 催命符 (fig.) death-warrant; 驅邪符 charm for driving away evil influences; 桃符 peachwood charm at New Year.
| V.i. | Fit in well, agree as in tally: 所言不符 their words do not tally; 言不符實 statement does not tally with the facts; 字跡不符 handwriting does not match; 定符下頌 may the future agree with my best wishes.
| Words | 1. 符板 [fu2ban3], n., tally, check (a wooden piece). 2. 符號 [fu2hao4], n., marks; punctuation marks: 注音符號 pronunciation marks (such as 注音字母,羅馬字母). 3. 符合 [fu2he2], v.i., match, agree in substance, (facts) “check.” 4. 符節 [fu2jie1], n., tally. 5. 符咒 [fu2zhou4], n., charm casting evil spell; curse. 6. 符籙 [fu2lu4], n., Taoist books on magic. 7. 符命 [fu2ming4], n., supernatural omen showing Heaver's approval of s.o. becoming king. 8. 符璽 [fu2xi3], n., emperor's seal. 9. 符驗 [fu2yan4], n., evidence of correctness of divination, prophecy. 10. 符應 [fu2ying4], n., fulfillment of prophecy.