释义 |
端端 | 875B25 60S.42-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄉㄨㄢ [duan1] | N. adjunct. | An event: 這端事件 this incident, occurrence, business; 這端道理 this piece of teaching, this principle; 兩端案件 two cases; 布一端 a piece of cloth.
| N. | (1) Head, beginning: 這端 this end (of pole, cloth, etc.); 開端 starting point; 首鼠兩端 cannot decide which to follow, undecided; 更端 have a new beginning; 端的,端底 [duan1di4], [duan1di3]↓. (2) Cause, origin: 無端 without cause (offend people, etc.); 借端 use as pretext; 造端 originate, have origin in. (3) An affair: 事端 affair; 萬端 all things, all kinds; 異端 heresy.
| V.t. | To hold in the hand, esp. with both hands: 端茶,端菜 bring tea, a dish of food; 端桌子,端燈 bring or carry a table, a lamp; 端上來bring up.
| Adj. & adv. | (1) Upright, proper, careful (in posture, dress, character): 端坐,端立 sit, stand, properly; 端視 look decorously; 端正,端莊 [duan1zheng4], [duan1zhuang1]↓. (2) Chiefly: 端賴 chiefly depend on.
| Words | 1. 端的 [duan1di4], (1) adv., really: 端的好看 really pretty; (2) n., the bottom of things, see [duan1di3]↓. 2. 端底 [duan1di3], n., (get at the) bottom of things. 3. 端整 [duan1zheng3], adj., very proper-looking; not broken. 4. 端正 [duan1zheng4], adj., upright, right: 品行端正 upright character; 品貌端正 well-shaped figure and decorous appearance. 5. 端莊 [duan1zhuang1], adj., severely correct (in countenance), (of conduct) upright and correct. 6. 端木 [duan1mu4], n., a compound surname. 7. 端倪 [duan1ni2], n., the beginnings, chief points, clues (to mystery, etc.) 8. 端日 [duan1ri4], n., New Year's Day. 9. 端相 [duan1xiang4], v.t., (MC) var. of 端詳↓. 10. 端詳 [duan1xiang2], (1) v.t., scrutinize, examine esp. s. t. in hand; (2) n., the whole story of how it happens: 細聽端詳. 11. 端緒 [duan1xU4], n., main points or threads. 12. 端委 [duan1wei3], n., the whole story from the beginning. 13. 端午 [duan1wu3], n., the fifth day of fifth lunar month, Dragon Boat Festival. 14. 端硯 [duan1yan4], n., ink stone from 端縣 of Kwangtung. 15. 端陽 [duan1yang2], n., see [duan1wu3]↑.