释义 |
童童 | 814B40 60.11 | 部居
 | 畫數 12 | ㄊㄨㄥˊ [tong2] | N. | (1) A surname. (2) Child: 兒童 gen. term for children; 孩童 child; 童稚 the young; 返老還童 rejuvenation; 童叟無欺 (in shop advertisement) we are equally honest with aged and child customers; 童言無忌 take no offense at child's babble, a child says what he thinks; 神童 child prodigy; 頑童 mischievous or naughty child. (3) (Interch. 僮) house boy, page: 書童,琴童 boy servant attending to library, music room. (4) (N. used as modifier) virgin: 童男女 young unmarried boys and girls; 童女 virgin; 童身 virginhood, maidenhood; 童貞 chaste, without sexual experience; 童顏皓髮 white hair and rosy complexion.
| Adj. | (1) Young, innocent: 童蒙 innocent childhood; 童騃 young and ignorant; 童昏 young and silly. (2) (Of cattle, sheep) yet without grown horns. (3) Bald: 童山濯濯 a bare hill without trees; 頭童齒豁 hoary-headed and toothless.
| Words | 1. 童便 [tong2bian4], n., (Chin. med.) child's urine regarded as having medical property. 2. 童兒 [tong2er2], n., child (-ren); child servant. 3. 童工 [tong2gong1], n., child labor. 4. 童話 [tong2hua4], n., fairy tales. 5. 童貞 [tong2zhen1]1, adj. & n., chaste (maiden), chastity, virginity. 6. 童真 [tong2zhen1]2, n., naet*, naeness. 7. 童男 (子) (子兒) [tong2nan2]([zi3]), ([tzeeer0]), n., boy without sexual experience. 8. 童年 [tong2nian2], n., childhood: 童年時代 teen-age. 9. 童女 [tong2nU3], n., virgin. 10. 童生 [tong2sheng1], n., formerly, underage participant in civil examinations. 11. 童心 [tong2xin1], n., heart of innocence; innocence of youth: 童心未泯 (of grown-ups) still retain child's innocence. 12. 童童 [tong2tong2], adj., (LL) bare, bald, hidden. 13. 童子 [tong2zi3], n., boy: 童子軍 boy scout; 童子雞 cockerel. 14. 童養媳 [tong2yang3xi2], n., child daughter-in-law, raised in family of future husband. 15. 童謠 [tong2yao2], n., folk rhymes, generally of satirical nature.