释义 |
章章 | 810C50 60.10 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄓㄤ [zhang1] | N. | (1) A piece of writing, a composition, structure or pattern: 文章 literary writing, see 文 60.82; 出口成章 ad-lib, make polished impromtu speech; 章法 composition, structural pattern; order: 雜亂無章 without order or logical connection; 章段 paragraph division; 章句 [zhang1jU4]↓. (2) A memorial to emperor: 章奏 or 奏章. (3) A chapter: 第一章 Chapter One; 章節 chapter and verse; 章回小說 a long novel (divided into chapters). (4) Regulations, constitution: 憲章 constitution (of society, institution): 大憲章 (Eng. history) the Magna Charta; 規章 regulations; 簡章 brief regulations; 章程 [zhang1cheng2]↓; 違章 or 違反警章 against police regulations. (5) Stamp, seal: 圖章,印章 seal; 牙章 ivory seal. (6) Medal of award: 徽章 medal of honor; 校章 school medal. (7) A surname.
| Words | 1. 章程 [zhang1cheng2], n., (1) regulations (of school, etc.); (2) ([zhang1cheng0]) order: 他連吃飯都沒個章程 act disorderly even at meal. 2. 章服 [zhang1fu2], n., formerly, regulation dress, costume. 3. 章皇 [zhang1huang2], adj., undecided, flurried. 4. 章句 [zhang1jU4], n., a commentary or text with sentence division: 章句之學 a study of the classics confined to proper sentence division, pronunciation and meaning of words, without attention to system of thought. 5. 章草 [zhang1cao3], n., a simplified form of cursive script (草書), made or approved by 漢章帝 (76-88 A. D.). 6. 章奏 [zhang1zou4], n., a memorial to emperor. 7. 章魚 [zhang1yU2], n., an octopus.