释义 |
立立 | 817C50 60.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 5 | ㄌㄧˋ [li4] | V.i.&t. | (1) To stand, remain in an erect position: 直立 stand straight; 站立 remain standing; 起立 stand up, rise from seat; 肅立 stand up and remain silent; 立定 stand without moving; 立定主意 see 2↓; 立馬 (of rider) draw horse to a stop; 立正 [li4zheng4] ↓; 立眉立眼 fly into a rage (lit., “with raised eyebrows and angry looks”); 立談之間 soon, in no time; 貧無立錐之地 so poor as to have “no place to stick an awl”; 立杆見影 to produce an immediate effect (lit., “a shadow is cast as soon as a pole is raised”); 立足,立場 [li4zu2], [li4chang2]↓. (2) Set up, establish, accomplish, achieve, have (s. t.) done: 建立 to set up; 成立 establish, inaugurate; 樹立 to found; 功成名立 achieve success and win recognition; 立法[li4fa3]↓; 立國 to found a kingdom, or create a nation; 立家 marry and have a home; 己欲立而立人 being able to establish oneself, one should help others to do so; 立身 [li4shen1]↓; 立業 engage in some work or business; 立論 [li4lun4]↓; 立德,立功,立言 do one of three things to be remembered by posterity, by one's character, by outward achievements or by ideas and sayings; 立志 [li4zhi4]↓; 立品 cultivate moral virtues; 立名make a name; 立下規矩 draw up a set of rules; 標奇(新)立異 to attract attention by being eccentric, peculiar; 立定主意 be determined; 立意 make up one's mind to ; 立誓 take an oath, pledge oneself to; 立嗣 appoint an heir; 立案[li4an4]↓. (3) (LL) to ascend the throne. (4) To sign or conclude an agreement: 訂立合同 to sign a contract; 立約 make an agreement; 立單保證 give a written guaranty; 立契 sign a written contract; 立字據,立字(兒) sign a note.
| Adv. | Immediately, at once: 立刻,立即 right away; 立逼 compel (s. o.) to do (s. t.) at once; 立待,立等,立候 wait for (s. t.) right away; 立地 all at once; 立時 [li4shi2]↓; 立下此城 take the city by storm immediately; 立效 (of med.) immediately effective.
| Words | 1. 立案 [li4an4], v. i., be registered, to register. 2. 立場 [li4chang2], n., standpoint, a position one takes on a given question. 3. 立秋 [li4qiu1], n., (a solar term) beginning of autumn, about August 7-21, see Apendix B. 4. 立春 [li4chun1], n., (a solar term) beginning of spring, about February 5-18, see Appendix B. 5. 立冬 [li4dong1], n., (a solar term) beginning of winter, about November 7-21, see Appendix B. 6. 立法 [li4fa3], (1) v. t., to legislate; (2) n., legislation: 立法機關 the legislature, the legislative branch of government; n., 立法院 the Legislative [yUan1] of the Government of the Republic of China. 7. 立方 [li4fang1], n., (math.) the cube: 立方體 (math.) a cube; 立方根 cube root. 8. 立櫃 [li4gui4], n., a closet, cup-board, cabinet. 9. 立正 [li4zheng4], (1) n., (mil, command) “attention” (2) v. i., stand at attention. 10. 立志 [li4zhi4], v. i., make a determination (to accomplish certain objectives in life). 11. 立決 [li4jUe2], n., (anc. law) immediate execution of a prisoner. 12. 立論 [li4lun4], n. & v. t., (take a certain) basic standpoint on questions. 13. 立身 [li4shen1], v. i., (1) behave one-self properly and correctly; (2) to place oneself in a certain situation or position: 立身處世 ways of conducting oneself in society. 14. 立夏 [li4xia4], n., (a solar term) beginning of summer, about May 5-18, see Appendix B. 15. 立憲國 [li4xian4guo2], n., a country with a constitutional government. 16. 立式 [li4shi4], adj., upright: 立式鋼琴 n., upright piano. 17. 立時 [li4shi2], adv., immediately. 18. 立體 [li4ti3], n., (math.) a solid. 19. 立足 [li4zu2], v. i., stand on one's own feet, (lit. & fig.) 立足點 n., standpoint.