释义 |
竊竊 | 945C50 62A.42-9 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad116.gif) | 畫數 23 | ㄑㄧㄝˋ [qie4] . [Pop. 竊] | N. | Thief, burglar, -ry: 盜竊 thieves and burglars; 鼠竊 petty burglar; 行竊 commit burglary.
| V.t. | (1) To steal: 竊取 [qie4qU3]↓; 被竊 be burglarized; 失竊 be stolen; 偷香竊玉 indulge in secret relations with women; 竊 者誅,竊國者侯-莊子 (AC) who steals a hook is killed as a crook; who steals another's kingdom is made a duke. (2) To occupy territory, office illegally (from litr. tradition that a rebel or enemy contender for the throne is always called a “thief” 賊): 竊位 usurp office or throne; 竊職,竊權 usurp office authority; 竊命 (AC) rule illegally.
| adv. | (1) Secretly: 竊窺 peep at; 竊笑 laugh at secretly, sneer at; 竊查 investigate secretly. (2) Used court. like “my humble (opinion)”: 竊思,竊意 it is my humble opinion; 竊謂 I venture to think; 竊聞 I have heard (that); 竊念 I remember gratefully (s.o. past), I feel at heart (his mother is so old, etc.).
| Words | 1. 竊案 [qie4an4], n., a case of theft. 2. 竊竊 [qie4qie4], adv., (1) (talk, whisper) in a low voice; (2) 竊竊然知之 (AC) was clearly aware of it (=察察). 3. 竊取 [qie4qU3], v.t., to steal, obtain by stealing. 4. 竊犯 [qie4fan4], n., a caught burglar. 5. 竊號 [qie4hao4], v.t., usurp reign; call oneself “king,” “emperor” illegally. 6. 竊據 [qie4jU4], v.t., to occupy territory, throne, illegally. 7. 竊賊 [qie4zei2], n., a burglar, thief. 8. 竊衣 [qie4yi1], n., (bot.) a thistle-bearing plant, Osmorhiza aristats.
竊 | 946B05 62A.50-1 | ㄑㄧㄝˋ [qie4] . [Pop. of 竊 62A.42↑] |