释义 |
空空 | 943B10 62A.30-3 | 部居
![](Images/linyutang/Lexis/Lindict/Radical/rad_gif/rad116.gif) | 畫數 8 | ㄎㄨㄥ [kong1] (*ㄎㄨㄥˋ [kong4] ). | N. | (1) The open air, the sky or skies, upper space: 空間,空中 [kong1jian1], [kong1zhong1]1 ↓; 天空 the sky, firmament; 晴空萬里 the vast clear sky; 碧空 (poet.) blue sky; 空際 in the sky; 航空 aviation, air navigation; 真空 (phys.) vacuum; 太空 outer space. (2) (Budd.) emptiness, void of the world of senses: 空即是色,色即是空 the void is the world of senses, (reality is unreal) and vice versa; 四大皆空 all space-directions are void. (3) (*[kong4]) A cleft, fissure, a blank, unoccupied space or time: 有空就來 will come when I find free time; 沒空 have no time; 空格,空額 [kong1ge2], [kong1e2]↓; 空閒 leisure.
| V.t. | To leave empty, unfilled: 空一格 leave a blank space; 空著肚子 on an empty stomach; *([kong4]) 空著頭 hang upside down (with head hanging down).
| Adj. | (1) Empty, hollow, bare, unfurnished, unoccupied, deserted: 空虛,空泛 [kong1xU1], [kong1fan4]↓; 空話,空論 empty talk: 空落落的 quite empty, bare; 空空洞洞 having nothing substantial (in speech, letter), bare (room); 空口說 empty talk, just a verbal statement; 一場空夢 a vain dream; 空函 envelope without letter; 空架子 a hollow front, airs without substance; 空谷足音 sound of footsteps in a deserted valley - rare, welcome appearance; 空無所有 quite bare; 空手,空頭,空兒 [kong1shou3], [kong1tou2], [kong1er0]; 一切落空 a complete failure; 一切成空 all is vanished like a dream. (2) (Budd.) void, unreal, see N. 2↑. (3) (*[kong4]) Deficient, vacant: 空房 vacant room; 空地 vacant ground; 空乏 short of (money, necessities); 虧空 financial loss.
| Adv. | To no purpose, vainly: 空走一趟 made a trip without results; 空等著 wait in vain; 空想 [kong1xiang3]↓.
| Words | 1. 空白 *[kong4bai2], n. & adj., a blank: 留空白 leave a blank; 填空白 fill the blank. 2. 空腸 [kong1chang2], n. (physiol.) jejunum, part of the small intestine between the duodenum and the ileum. 3. 空前 [kong1qian2], adj., unprecedented. 4. 空氣 [kong1qi4], n., (1) the air; (2) atmosphere (social, artistic, political); 新空氣 new atmosphere; 新鮮空氣 fresh air; 放空氣 leak out information on purpose to test reaction, trial balloon. 5. 空缺 *[kong4qUe4], n., (1) vacancy; (2) scarcity (of food, water, etc.). 6. 空群 [kong1qUn2], phr., 空群之選 (LL) the pick of the best. 7. 空檔 *[kong4dang3] ([kong4dang4]), n., (1) blank on schedule; (2) neutral gear; (3) a flaw for attack. 8. 空肚兒 *[kong4du4er0] ([kong4du3er0]), adv., on an empty stomach. 9. 空洞 [kong1dong4], adj., without real substance, see [kong1kong1]↓. 10. 空額 *[kong4e2], n., vacancy. 11. 空泛 [kong1fan4], adj., (of speech, statement) containing only generalities, not specific. 12. 空乏 *[kong4fa2], n. & adj., short-age, scarce, -ity. 13. 空格 *[kong4ge2], n., a blank space. 14. 空幻 [kong1huan4], adj. & n., insubstantial, unreal (dream), unrealistic, impractical, utopian (theory). 15. 空戰 [kong1zhan4], n., air fight. 16. 空間 [kong1jian1], n., (1) empty space, space as a concept (cf. 時間 time); (2) the sky. 17. 空集 [kong1ji2], n., (math.) empty, null set. 18. 空中 [kong1zhong1]1, n., the sky: 空中小姐 air hostess; 空中堡壘 sky fortress; 空中樓閣 a mirage; castles in the air. 19. 空鐘 [kong1zhong1]2, n., a wooden toy making a whirring noise when suspended and spun by a thread. 20. 空竹 [kong1zhu2], n., see [kong1zhong1]2 ↑. 21. 空軍 [kong1jUn1], n., the air force. 22. 空曠 [kong1kuang4], adj., (of land) open, wide, spacious. 23. 空匱 [kong1kui4], adj. & n., scarce, -ity, poor. 24. 空空 [kong1kong1], adj., all empty, void: 空空如也 (AC) all empty; 空空洞洞 with nothing in it; 空空兒的 empty-handed, (to visit) without bringing presents. 25. 空闊 [kong1kuo4], adj., open and spacious. 26. 空兒 *[kong4er0], n., (1) free time: 得空兒就來 will come when I have time; opening, chance; (2) ([kong1er0]) a name without substance, a hollow undertaking; 空兒事 s. t. good for show only. 27. 空靈 [kong1ling2], adj., (of art, room decoration) not overstuffed, sparse, light and free, appealing by quiet restraint. 28. 空門 [kong1men2], n., Buddhism: 遁入空門 take the monastic vow. 29. 空濛 [kong1meng2], adj., in fine drizzle. 30. 空明 [kong1ming2], adj., (LL) bright and effulgent (as in moonlight). 31. 空盤 [kong1pan2], n., buying or selling short: 做空盤 buy stocks on margin, see also [kong1tou2]↓. 32. 空身(兒) [kong1shen1] ([er0]), adj., without luggage, unarmed; 空身人(兒) ditto, also bachelor without family. 33. 空想 [kong1xiang3], v.i. & n., (1) hope in vain; (2) fantasy, idle dream. 34. 空閒 *[kong4xian2], n., free hour, leisure: 沒空閒 have no time (for s.t.). 35. 空隙 *[kong4xi4], n., (1) a crevice, crack; (2) an opening for attack. 36. 空心(兒) [kong1xin1], adj., hollow, tubular: 空心(大)老倌 (Shanghai dial.) stuffed shirt; 空心菜(=蕹) water convolvulus, Ipomaea aquatica. 37. 空襲 [kong1xi2], n., air raid. 38. 空手兒 [kong1shou3] ([er0]), adv., (1) with bare hands, empty-handed: 空手成家 build up one's fortune from scratch; 空手兒歸 come back empty-handed; 空手道 karate; (2) without copy or model: 空手兒畫 original, free sketch. 39. 空疏 [kong1shu1], adj., shallow, not profound. 40. 空虛 [kong1xU1], adj., (1) hollow, empty; (2) 心空虛 scared (from being guilty), cf. 虛心 humble, open-minded. 41. 空談 [kong1tan2], n., empty talk, idle talk, not followed by action. 42. 空頭 [kong1tou2], adj. & n., (1) (生意) buy or sell stock on margin (also 買空賣空); 空頭人情 empty (costless) show of sympathy; (2) (*[kong4]) 空頭支票 bounced check. 43. 空桶子 [kong1tong3zi0], n., an empty barrel - (fig.) of hollow front. 44. 空子 *[kong4zi0], n., (1) a free time for doing s.t.; (2) an opening, opportunity; (3) (coll.) deficit, debts. 45. 空文 [kong1wen2], n., laws and statutes that exist on paper only: 一紙空文 a scrap of paper. 46. 空運 [kong1yUn4], n., air transportation.