

ㄧˊ [yi2
V.i. & t.(1)  To move, to move round or about: [yi2dong4]↓;
move to another house;
民,[yi2min2], [yi2jU1]↓;
東就西 make up deficiency by funds elsewhere.
(2)  To change (course): 轉 gradually change, also n., pivot;
風易俗 gradually change the customs of people, to influence morals;
天易日 change the course of heavens --s.t. audacious.
(3)  To send official communications: 公文 ditto;
(4)  To transfer: [yi2jiao1]↓.
Words1. [yi2qing2], v.i., (LL) change mind, esp., in love affairs: 情別戀 turn the back on one lover and go with another.
2. [yi2die2], phr., to send letter to official of same rank; send diplomatic note.
3. [yi2ding3], v.i., (allu.) “move imperial tripods” (symbol of power)--change dynasty.
4. [yi2dong4], v.t., to move, shift to another place: 不許動 don't change emplacement; 花影動 the flower shadows move.
5. [yi2gui3], v.i., (sun's shandow) change the shadow on the dial.
6. [yi2hua1], phr., 花接木 (lit.) to graft and transplant; (fig.) to place a substitute by subterfuge.
7. [yi2huan4], v.t., to change (place of seats, etc.)
8. [yi2huo4], phr., to put the blame (on another).
9. [yi2jiao1], v.i. & t., to effect transfer of office (to successor).
10. [yi2jie2], v.i., to transfer authority (of governors, etc.).
11. [yi2ji2], v.i., (AC) to write a letter asking for resignation on pretext of illness.
12. [yi2zhuan3], v.i., (law) to change (ownership), transfer (rights).
13. [yi2zhi4], v.t., transplant (heart, kidneys, trees).
14. [yi2jU0], v.i., to change residence.
15. [yi2min2], v.i. & n., to immigrate, -tion; 民局 immigration office.
16. [yi2shan1], phr., “to move mountains”: 愚公山 (allu.) do s. t. superhuman by sheer persistence.
17. [yi2xi3], v.i. & t., to emigrate, change residence to another city or place; to move whole populations.
18. [yi2shu1], v.i., to send letter, usu. official or business.
19. [yi2shi2], adv., after a while, after lapse of time.
20. [yi2zun1], phr., to take the cup and drink to person on another table: 樽就教 to call personally on person.
21. [yi2yU4], phr., (in letters) please come over.





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