释义 |
租租 | 1178C55 90A.30-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄗㄨ [zu1] | N. | (1) The land tax. (2) Taxes in gen.: 租稅 [zu1shui4]↓. (3) Payment for the use of land or other things: 房租 house rent; 田租 farm rent; 租金 [zu1jin1]↓; 租錢 rent paid in cash.
| V.t. | To lease, rent (house, land, etc.): 租賃 [zu1lin4], 租借[zu1jie4]2↓; 租用 to rent (car, office space) for use; 出租 to let, offer for rent; 租出去了 (house, room) leased out; 租來的 (of things) rented from another person; 租給,租與 rent to; 轉租 sublease; 租房子 rent a house (room); 租田 to lease farm land; 召租 (room) to let; 納租 to pay rent; 交租 ditto; 催租 to press for payment of rent due; 加租 raise the rent; 收租 to collect rent.
| Words | 1. 租契 [zu1qi4], n., a lease contract. 2. 租戶 [zu1hu4], n., the lessee. 3. 租價 [zu1jia4], n., rent (in dollars and cents). 4. 租界 [zu1jie4]1, n., formerly, a foreign concession in China, an international settlement in China's treaty ports. 5. 租借 [zu1jie4]2, v.t., to lease, rent; 租借地 territory leased to another country; 租借法案 the Lend-Lease Act. 6. 租金 [zu1jin1], n., rent payable by lessee to lessor, usu. of land or building. 7. 租賃 [zu1lin4], v.t., rent, lease (land, building, room). 8. 租售 [zu1shou4], n., for rent or sale. 9. 租稅 [zu1shui4], n., taxes and levies, taxation. 10. 租子 [zu1zi0], n., farm rent, usu. payable in kind.