释义 |
秀秀 | 1158A05 90.50 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄒㄧㄡˋ [xiu4] | V.i. | To put forth flower: 秀而不實 (AC) put forth flower but bear no fruit.
| Adj. | Delicate, frail and beautiful, distinguished, refined: 優秀學生 students with excellent records; 清秀 beautiful and slender (girl), clean, pleasant (face), refined (talent); 秀外慧中 (of girl) clear-eyed and intelligent; 秀才, 秀女 [xiu4cai2], [xiu4nU3]↓.
| Words | 1. 秀拔 [xiu4ba2], adj., (callig.) graceful and distinguished. 2. 秀氣 [xiu4qi4], n., (1) serene air of landscape; refined air of person; (2) ([xiu4qi0]) adj., refined, delicate, well-made (article). 3. 秀出 [xiu4chu1], v.i., excel, be distinguished, see [xiu4ba2]↑. 4. 秀發 [xiu4fa1], adj., distinguished-looking. 5. 秀麗 [xiu4li4], adj., delicate, graceful. 6. 秀茂 [xiu4mao4], adj., (of talent) rich, blooming. 7. 秀美 [xiu4mei3], adj., beautiful, pretty. 8. 秀眉 [xiu4mei2], n., (1) delicate eyebrows; (2) a few especially long pieces of hair in eyebrow in some elderly person. 9. 秀女 [xiu4nU3], n., (1) formerly, girl working in the imperial court; (2) a young girl. 10. 秀色 [xiu4se4], n., prettiness: 秀色可餐 a beauty to feast one's eyes on. 11. 秀士 [xiu4shi4], n., (1) a bachelor of arts; (2) a well-cultivated young man. 12. 秀才 [xiu4cai2], n., formerly, a bachelor of arts or graduate of first degree: 秀才人情 gift by scholars, which are not expensive, but consist of some scroll of writing or painting; 窮秀才,不通秀才 (contempt.) a poor schoar (usu. a village teacher who does not know much except a rigmarole knowledge of a few Confucian classics). 13. 秀雅 [xiu4ya3], adj., elegant, refined.