

ㄐㄧㄣˋ [jin4 (*ㄐㄧㄣ [jin1).
N.(1)  Royal residence: 宮 palace grounds;
城 the Forbidden City in Peking;
[jin4cheng2]↓, [jin4yUan4]↓;
中 imperial quarters;
衛軍 [jin4wei4jUn1]↓.
(2)  Sorcery, witchcraft.
V.t.(1)  Prohibit, forbid: [jin4zhi3], [jin4ling4]↓;
illegal acts;
品 n., & adj., contraband;
屠 days on which no meat is sold;
煙,賭,娼 ban on opium-smoking, gambling, prostitution;
酒 (U.S history) Prohibition;
strictly forbid(den);
lifting of a ban;
運 trade embargo;
地 forbidden ground;
difficult (impossible) to suppress;
cannot help it;
情不自 cannot control oneself (one's own feelings).
(2)  Take into custody, imprison: 監 throw into prison;
imprison, incarcerate;
[jin4bi4], [jin4gu4], [jin4zu2], [jin4zi0]↓.
(3)  To taboo: [jin4ji4]↓.
(4)  (*[jin4]) Be able to withstand or endure: 得起,不起 (住) can, cannot stand.
Adj. & adv.(*[jin1]) Durable, -bly: 穿 (of clothes) to wear well;
用 long-lasting, serviceable for a long time;
燒 (of fuel) slowburning.
Words1. [jin4bi4], v.t., to jail, lock up, detain.
2. [jin4cheng2], n., palace grounds; 紫城 the Forbidden City in Peking.
3. [jin4di4], n., forbidden ground.
4. [jin4fang1], n., a secret formula or prescription.
5. [jin4gu4], v.t., (1) imprison; (2) (AC) debar from holding office.
6. [jin4guo3], n., the forbidden fruit.
7. [jin4ji4], n. & v.i., taboos (in food, superstitution).
8. [jin4zhi4], v.t., restrict, prohibit, forbid, ban.
9. [jin4jUn1], n., short for 衛軍 [jin4wei4jUn1]↓.
10. [jin4zhi3], v.t., forbid, prohibit, ban: 止吸煙 “no smoking.”
11. [jin4li4], n., an official ban or restraint.
12. [jin4ling4], n., legal restriction or ban.
13. [jin4luan2], n., (LL) the “forbidden fruit,” much desired but inaccessible woman.
14. [jin4shu1], n., an officially banned book.
15. [jin4tu3], n., (astrology) days on which all ground-digging is forbidden.
16. [jin4zi0], n., a jailer.
17. [jin4zu2], n., ditto.
18. [jin4wang3], n., network of legal restrictions.
19. 衛軍 [jin4wei4jUn1], n., imperial guards.
20. [jin4ye4], v.i. & n., (declare) a curfew.
21. [jin4yi4], n., palace grounds.
22. [jin4yUan4], n., imperial gardens.
23. [jin4yU4], v.i., suppress sensual passion; 慾主義 asceticism.





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