

ㄕㄣˊ [shen2
N.(1)  Spirit, God, gen. term for the spirits, the gods, the deities, supernatural beings: 仙,[shen2xian1], [shen2guai4]↓;
明,[shen2ming2], [shen2ling2]↓;
celestial spirits;
spirit of the mountains (cf. 妖 93A.81, 精 22C.42);
oft. coupled with 鬼 demons: 不知,鬼不覺 without even the spirits knowing about it--mysteriously;
出鬼沒 appear and disappear mysteriously;
差鬼使 messengers of the gods and spirits;
人共誅 abominated by both gods and men.
(2)  The mind, the soul, the man's spirit;
完氣足 full of spirit and energy;
不守舍 out of one's mind (“soul departed from its abode”);
來之筆 an inspired passage;
the mind, mental state;
tranquilize the nerves;
rest and restore energy;
,費,勞 to trouble oneself, hence a formula to thank people for taking the trouble;
focus attention;
absent-minded, daydreaming;
(please) be careful.
(3)  Demeanor, expression: 色,容,態,[shen2se4], [shen2rong2], [shen2tai4], [shen2zhi4]1↓;
(of painting) conveying the true spirit of the subject portrayed;
to draw a portrait;
look, expression of eyes.
V.i.To appreciate, comprehend: 而明之,存乎其人 it is up to every individual to try to comprehend.
Adj.Divine, miraculous, superb: 妙,[shen2miao4], [shen2qi2]2↓;
乎其 marvellous! divine! 效 magical effect (of medicine);
醫 a great physician.
Adv.By, of the spirit: 馳左右 my spirit is always with you;
無任往 admire from the distance greatly;
交 be spiritually attracted to a friend one has not met;
解 to understand by the spirit, not the rational mind.
Words1. [shen2qi4]1, (1) n., expression of face, atmosphere, painting or group; (2) ([shen2qi0]) adj., wearing a proud, self-satisfied look; ([shen2qi0]) adj., 氣活現 phr., looking self-satisfied.
2. [shen2qi4]2, n., symbols of imperial power (throne, tripod, etc.).
3. [shen2qi2]1, n., celestial () and terrestial spirits (祗).
4. [shen2qi2]2, adj., magical in effect, miraculous (event); extraordinary (art work).
5. 情(兒) [shen2qing2]([er0]), n., facial expression.
6. [shen2chu2], n., cabinet beneath a niche for idol.
7. [shen2qUan2], n., (1) divine power; (2) 權時代 period of theocracy.
8. [shen2dao4], (1) n., (a) path leading to tomb; n., 道碑 tablet on side of tomb giving biographical sketch (always laudatory) of deceased; (b) (MC) the deities in gen.; (2) ([shen2dao0]) adj., 真道 (child) unusually brilliant.
9. [shen2fu4], n., Roman catholic father.
10. [shen2fu2], n., (MC) sacrifices for blessing of the gods.
11. [shen2guai4], n., spirits and demons: 怪小說 supernatural tales.
12. [shen2gong1], phr., 鬼斧工 (of art masterpiece) extraordinary as if done by the spirits.
13. [shen2hua4], n., mythology; a myth.
14. [shen2hun2], n., (1) soul (cf. 靈魂); (2) state of mind: 魂不定 frightened or depressed, out of one's wits; 魂顛倒 heart in torment, crazy with longing of loved one.
15. [shen2ji1]1, n., a miracle.
16. [shen2ji1]2, n., (1) a sudden inspiration; (2) a divine plan: 不可洩露機 God's secret may not be revealed (said by magicians, Taoists).
17. [shen2jian1], (1) n., (AC) the deities and demons; (2) adj., hypocritical, deceitful (plotters).
18. [shen2jing1]1, n., (LL) euphemism for national capital.
19. [shen2jing1]2, (1) n., nerves; (2) adj., nervous; adj., 經系 the nervous systems; 經細胞nerve cells; 經纖維 ganglions of nerves; 經衰弱 nervous prostration, neurasthenia; 經錯亂 mentally deranged, mental disorder; 交感經 sympathetic nerves; 經炎 neuritis; 經病 mental derangement, in sanity; 經痛 neuralgia; 經質 neurotic; 經過敏 oversensitive; 經戰戰 war of nerves.
20. [shen2zhou1], n., the Divine Continent--China.
21. [shen2zhu3], n., a spirit tablet.
22. [shen2zhi4]1, n., state of mind: 志不清 (of patient) in confused state of mind; 志清白 in a clear state of mind.
23. [shen2zhi4]2, adj. & n., intelligent, -ce; mental agility.
24. [shen2jUn1], n., laudatory epithet of sovereign, deity.
25. [shen2zhi3], n., paper money burnt for use in nether world.
26. [she2er0], n., see [shen2qi4]1↑.
27. [shen2liao2], v.i., to tell a tall tale.
28. [shen2li4], n., God's power; magical power.
29. [shen2ling2], n., the spirits, various deities: 靈保祐 may God protect (us).
30. [shen2miao4], adj., astounding, subtle, utterly delightful (piece of writing): 妙莫測 so subtle as to be difficult to guess what comes next.
31. [shen2mi4], adj., mystical, beyond one's comprehension, mysterious (movements).
32. [shen2ming2], n., (1) the deities, used also in address to God; (2) (AC) man's comprehending soul.
33. [shen2nU3], n., (1) a goddess; (2) a female enchanter: 女生涯 prostitution.
34. [shen2pin3], n., (art criticism) one of the “divine class”--inimitable work of a genius.
35. [shen2ren2], n., a person of extraordinary, God-like appearance.
36. [shen2rong2], n., facial expression.
37. [shen2se4], n., facial expression (downcast, etc.).
38. [shen2sheng4], adj., sacred, holy: 聖不可侵犯 (regarded as) sacred, not to be touched or criticized.
39. [shen2xiang4], n., (1) an idol, an image; (2) portrait of an idol.
40. [shen2xian1] ([shen2xian0]), n., a fairy, a Taoist immortal; 仙故事 a fairy tale; 仙中人 the happiest mortal alive; 仙眷屬 most happily married.
41. 行太保 [shen2xing2tai4bao3], n., “Superman.”
42. [shen2shu4], n., magic: (a) use of magical power by deities; (b) remarkable skill (of physicians).
43. [shen2xUe2], n., theology; 學院 theological seminary.
44. [shen2suan4], n., remarkable prediction of affairs.
45. [shen2su4], adj. & adv., amazingly fast, with utmost speed.
46. [shen2si1], n., thinking of the distant ones; deep thinking.
47. [shen2si4], (1) adj., looking like, resembling; (2) n., resemblance.
48. [shen2tai4], n., a man's look or expression.
49. [shen2cai3], n., glamour, spirit (in appearance), healthy look.
50. [shen2tong1], n., magical power of the deities: 通廣大 superior magic in battle of the spirits and demons; (fig.) a person's extraordinary power of getting what he wants: 大顯通 show what one is capable of, (deity) shows his magic power.
51. [shen2tong2], n., a child prodigy.
52. [shen2wei4], n., see [shen2zhu3]↑.
53. [shen2wu4]1, n., (1) a supernatural being; n., (2) an old tree, tortoise, etc., associated with myth or fable.
54. [shen2wu4]2, v.i., to understand through the spirit.
55. [shen2wu3], adj., epithet of a great conquering general.
56. [shen2yi4]1, n., God's will.
57. [shen2yi4]2, adj., miraculous (tales, events).
58. [shen2ying3], adj., remarkably intelligent.
59. [shen2yUn4], n., flavor of poem or painting; (litr. criticism) flavor theory of poetry of 王漁洋.
60. [shen2yong3], adj. see [shen2wu3]↑.





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