释义 |
祝祝 | 1032C00 63B.70-4 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄓㄨˋ [zhu4] | N. | (1) Officer administering the sacrifices: 廟祝 such officer at ancestral sacrifice. (2) A surname.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To pray for blessing to bless: 祝福,福壽 [zhu4fu2], [zhu4shou4]↓; (used in letters) to pray for s.o.’s health: 恭祝,敬祝,遙祝,祝禱 I pray that; 祝辭 [zhu4ci2]↓; 慶祝 to celebrate (occasion); 預祝 I pray in anticipation. (2) 祝髮而裸 (AC, of savage tribes) cut their hair and go naked.
| Words | 1. 祝福 [zhu4fu2], v.t., to bless, to invoke blessing: 上帝祝福你們 may God bless you! 2. 祝嘏 [zhu4gu3], v.t., (LL, AC) pray for longevity. 3. 祝賀 [zhu4he4], v.t., to congratulate. 4. 祝祝 [zhu4zhu4], v.t., make chuck-chuck sound to call chicken; chicken's sounds. 5. 祝融 [zhu4rong2], n., the god of fire: 祝融為災 a conflagration. 6. 祝壽 [zhu4shou4], v.i., offer birthday congratulations. 7. 祝辭 [zhu4ci2] n., the prayer for blessing; text of a felicitation on some occasion. 8. 祝文 [zhu4wen2], n., a prayer for blessing.