释义 |
碧碧 | 463B25 31.40 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄅㄧˋ [bi4] | N. | Jade, a precious stone usu. of greenish color: 碧玉 white jade with green tints.
| Adj. | (Poet.) blue, azure, greenish blue: 碧海 blue sea; 碧雲 bluish clouds; 碧空,碧落,碧漢,碧霄,碧虛 the blue sky.
| Words | 1. 碧蘭 [bi4lan2], n., (bot.) greenish orchid. 2. 碧蘿春 [bi4luo2chun1], n., a special brand of tea. 3. 碧綠 [bi4lU4], adj., beautifully green (lawn, sea, etc.). 4. 碧紗廚 [bi4sha1chu2], n., a bed-like compartment, covered with gauze to keep out mosquitoes. 5. 碧血 [bi4xUe4], n., blood of those who died in war or love: 碧血丹心 (praise of) loyalty until death. 6. 碧桃 [bi4tao2], n., (bot.) a kind of peach=千葉桃. 7. 碧瓦 [bi4wa3], n., glazed tiles=琉璃瓦. 8. 碧梧 [bi4wu2], n., (bot.) the plane tree. 9. 碧眼 [bi4yan3], adj., blue-eyed. 10. 碧玉 [bi4yU4], n., (min.) jasper; 小家碧玉 pretty daughter of simple family, buxom lass.