释义 |
硃硃 | 492C05 31B.01-1 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄓㄨ [zhu1] | N. | Cinnabar, used as red pigment and medicine; hence red ink; 硃砂 [zhu1sha1]↓.
| Words | 1. 硃筆 [zhu1bi3], n., writing brush used for writing with red ink. 2. 硃卷 [zhu1jUan4], n., script or scroll in red ink; (Manchu Dyn.) red-ink copy of examination papers, made from black-ink copy written by candidates, to prevent favoritism by the judges. 3. 硃批 [zhu1pi1], n., documents containing the emperor's comments in red ink. 4. 硃砂 [zhu1sha1], n., cinnabar. 5. 硃諭 [zhu1yU4], n., imperial decree.