释义 |
破破 | 500B10 31B.82-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄆㄛˋ [po4] | V.i. & t. | (1) To break: 破例,戒,約 break rules, vows, treaty or agreement; 破臉 quarrel openly; 破口 (罵人) break into abuse, use abusive language; 破膽 frightened out of one's wits; 破顏,破涕為笑 melt into smiles (of face); 破土 break ground (of construction). (2) To crush (enemy ranks): 破陣,勢如破竹 smash enemy easily (like splitting bamboo); 攻破南京 capture Nanking; 破賊 crush rebels. (3) To show, reveal: 說破 reveal (secret); 一語破的 hit the nail on the head (“hit target with one remark”); 破露 betray (conspiracy, plan), (plan) is exposed; 破盤 leak out plan; 破著沒臉 disregard modesty by appearing in public (of women); 破綻 [po4zhan0]↓; 破釜沉舟 no-retreat policy (“burning the bridges”). (4) To analyze, explain, define: 破題 [po4ti2]↓. (5) To spend: 破鈔,破財,破費 spend money; 破工夫 spend a lot of time. (6) To brave: 破浪 ride the waves. (7) To break out: 破空而下, appear, burst out of the blue.
| Vb.complement. | Through: 看破 [kan4po4]) see through (世情 pomp, the material world); 打破 break (a cup); 打破難關 break through a difficult situation; 撕破 tear up; 攻破 capture a city; 讀破 read character with different pronunciation, representing different word.
| Adj. | Broken down: 破屋子,衣服,皮鞋 broken-down house, tattered clothing, shoes; 破罐子 [po4guan4zi0]↓; 破鏡重圓 reunion of couple after separation, divorce; 家破人亡 family ruined; 破家子弟 spendthrift son of family; penniless person; 國破 country destroyed.
| Words | 1. 破敗 [po4bai4], v.t., destroy (property, plan). 2. 破產 [po4chan3], n. & adj., bankrupt, -cy. 3. 破除 [po4chu2], v.t., overcome prejudices, obstacles, superstition. 4. 破格 [po4ge2], adv., as an exceptional favor. 5. 破瓜 [po4gua1], v.i., lose virginity; 破瓜之年 age sixteen, (AC) also age sixty-four (of women). 6. 破罐子 [po4guan4zi0], n., (contemp.) unchaste woman; a physical wreck. 7. 破壞 [po4huai4], v.t., break (neutrality, marriage), violate (agreement), damage (reputation). 8. 破綻 [po4zhan0], n., flaw (in clothing, secret, argument). 9. 破折號 [po4zhe2hao4], n., printer's dash mark (“-”). 10. (打)破紀錄 ([da3]) [po4ji4lu4], v.i., break the record. 11. 破爛 [po4lan4], adj., torn-down, ragged (furniture, dress). 12. 破裂 [po4lie4], v.i. & adj., split, break, broken (friendship, marriage). 13. 破落戶 [po4luo4hu4], n., penniless person, family; fallen into decline. 14. 破嗓子 [po4sang3zi0], n., broken voice, lost voice. 15. 破傷風 [po4shang1feng1], n. tetanus infection. 16. 破身 [po4shen1], v.i., lose virginity. 17. 破曉 [po4xiao3], n., daybreak. 18. 破碎 [po4sui4], adj., piecemeal, broken up, out of line; adj., n., broken bits. 19. 破天荒 [po4tian1huang1], adj. & adv., unprecedented, breaking all precedents. 20. 破體字 [po4ti3zi4], n., corrupt or abbreviated form of a character. 21. 破題(兒) [po4ti2er0], n., the opening sentence of essay in civil examinations defining the theme; (fig.) the first thing. 22. 破字 [po4zi4], n., special pronunciation of a character different from normal, and used with different meaning. 23. 破五兒 [po4wu3er0], n., fifth of January in old calendar. 24. 破音 [po4yin1], n., special pr. of character used with different meaning.