

[zhi1 (*ㄓˋ [zhi4).
N.(1)  Knowledge: [zhi1shi4]2 (also *[zhi4shi4])↓;
難行易 (孫中山) knowledge is difficult, but action is easy;
行合一 (王陽明) knowledge and action are one;
knowledge is action, action is (true) knowledge.
(2)  (*[zhi4]) (AC)=智 wisdom: 不及人 wisdom cannot equal others;
若愚 great wisdom appears stupid (Taoist);
者不惑 the wise man has no perplexity.
V.t.(1)  To know: 你道 do you know? 道,[zhi1dao0], [zhi1xi2]↓;
,探 have found out that;
know that or enabled to know that;
,不 do not know (未 is more litr.);
I realize, he really knows;
無所不古今兒 omniscient, know everything;
無不言,言無不盡 to say all that you know and say it without reserve;
一無所 know nothing;
半解 have a superficial knowledge (of s.t.);
誰不 who doesn't know;
故問 he asks, but already knows;
故犯,法犯法,deliberately flout the law;
彼,百戰百勝 to know one’s own strength and the enemy's is the sure way to victory;
錯 acknowledge one is wrong;
白守黑(老子)know and observe all but stay obscure;
子莫若父 no one knows a man better than his own father;
面不心 we may know a man's exterior but not his heart;
若要人不,除非己莫為 if you don't want people to know it, the best way is not to do it;
底 know the bottom (of affair, about person);
過,非,禮,[zhi1guo4], [zhi1fei1], [zhi1li3], [zhi1chi3]↓;
(2)  To feel, sense: [zhi1jUe2]↓;
先覺 those who think ahead of their generation, the seers, prophets;
後覺 those who learn in later generation;
不覺 unconsciously;
不如 know or feel one is not another's equal;
know one's own weakness;
不自 lack self-knowledge;
疼著熱 feel for another person like oneself (as mother of child).
(3)  To be a bosom friend: [zhi1ji3]↓;
(a) n., a close friend;
(b) v.t., to know each other;
甚深 know each other for a long time;
友,音,[zhi1you3], [zhi1yin1], [zhi1xin1]↓.
(4)  To recognize: 受 be recognized for talent by superior;
於世 be recognized by society;
(5)  To be expert in subject: 兵 expert in military science;
醫 expert in medicine.
(6)  To communicate officially: 會,[zhi1hui4], [zhi1zhao4]↓;
(a) v.t., to inform, (b) n., a public notice;
please let me know.
(7)  To be in charge of office: 府,縣,事,[zhi1fu3], [zhi1xian4], [zhi1shi4]1, [zhi1zhou1]↓;
Words1. [zhi1qing2], v.i., legal formula, like “with full knowledge of the facts”: 實不情 (affidavit) really have no knowledge (concerning s.t.); 情自首 s.o. reports himself to justice on his involvement in case; 情底保 offer guarantee with full knowledge of all the facts.
2. [zhi1qU4], v.i., (1) appreciate (what is good or interesting, or what is fun); (2) 趣兒 [zhi1qUe4er0], tactful, having a sense of the situation (and retire without being told, etc.).
3. [zhi1chi3], phr., have a sense of shame or of honor.
4. [zhi1dan1], n., notice of invitation with list of invited, on which the recipient signs the word , without commitment to attend.
5. [zhi1dao0], v.i. & t., regular vern. for :不道 do not know or realize; v.i. & t., 道了 phr., acknowledging receipt of communication or report, without saying “yes” or “no.”
6. [zhi1fang1], phr., (AC) knowing what is right to do.
7. [zhi1fei1], phr., to know one's mistakes: 行年五十而後四十九年之非 (AC) “at fifty I realize the mistakes of the forty-nine years,” hence 非之年 fifty years of age.
8. 風草 [zhi1feng1cao3], n., (bot.) Eragrostis ferruginea.
9. [zhi1fu3], n., magistrate of a [fu3] or district.
10. 根兒 [zhi1ge1er0], phr., know the bottom of things.
11. 更雀 [zhi1geng1qUe4], n., (zoo.) a small bird, robin, Erithacus namiyei.
12. [zhi1guo4], v.i., realize one's mistake.
13. [zhi1hui4], v.i. & t., (1) to know, understand, appreciate; (2) to transmit official communication.
14. [zhi1zhao4], v.t., officially inform, be informed.
15. [zhi1ji1], phr., (AC) to sense what is coming (also wr. 機).
16. [zhi1ji3], (1) n., a bosom friend; (2) phr., 彼 to know one’s and the enemy's situation or strength (to ensure victory).
17. [zhi1jin1], phr., (LL) know the way (“ferry”).
18. [zhi1zhou1], n., magistrate of [zhou1] or prefecture.
19. [zhi1jUe2], (1) v.i. & t., to perceive; v.i. & t., to feel, realize: 覺不對 feel s.t. is wrong; 不不覺 unconscious, -ly; (2) n., consciousness, perception: 沒有覺 have lost consciousness, (vb.) have not realized.
20. [zhi1zhi3], phr., (AC) knowing when (or where) to stop; knowing the goal or the faith to hold on to.
21. [zhi1ke4] ([zhi1ke0]), n., monk in charge of reception of visitors; 客寮 (MC) reception room of monastery.
22. [zhi1liao3], n., (1) (“I know”) another name of cicada from sound of its cry; (2) ([zhi1le0]) I know.
23. [zhi1li3], adj., refined, conversant with proper manners or established customs.
24. [zhi1ming4], phr., (1) know Heaven’s will: 樂天命 acceptance of Heaven's will and inner content; (2) 命之年 (allu. Confucius) fifty years of age.
25. [zhi1ming2], adj., well-known.
26. [zhi1mu3], n., a grass, Anemarrhena asphodeloides.
27. [zhi1neng2], n., consciousness, sense of perception.
28. [zhi1ren2], phr., 人之明 capacity to judge person's qualities.
29. [zhi1xiao3], v.i., (slightly litr. & MC) to know.
30. [zhi1xian4], n., magistrate of a [xian4], county.
31. [zhi1xin1], phr., 心人 bosom friend; 心話 heart-to-heart talk.
32. [zhi1xi2], v.i. & t., (LL esp., in letters) to know, have learned.
33. [zhi1shi4]1, n., 縣事 see [zhi1xian4]↑.
34. 識 *[zhi1shi4]2, n., knowledge; 識豐富 having wide knowledge of subjects; 科學識 scientific knowledge; 識分子 or 階級 (*[zhi4shi4]) the intelligentsia.
35. [zhi1zu2], adj. & n., content, -ed, -ment: 足常樂 he who is contented is always happy; 不足 discontented, (of person) never satisfied, (cf. 不足 knowing one's own limitations of knowledge).
36. [zhi3yan2], phr., to know what to say and when to say it.
37. [zhi1yin1], n., a good understanding friend.
38. [zhi1you3], n., a bosom friend.
39. [zhi1yU4], phr., in 受遇 be recognized or discovered, receive help and encouragement by a superior; 遇之恩 gratitude for such help.





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