释义 |
瞎瞎 | 669A10 41B.40-6 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄒㄧㄚ [xia1] | Adj. | Blind: 盲人騎瞎馬 a blind person riding a blind horse; 瞎了眼睛 oft. a rebuke, you don't seem to know who you are talking to, bump into; 瞎字不識 phr., illiterate.
| Adv. | Recklessly, blindly, without heed or caution, disorderly: 瞎忙 hustle without plan or purpose; 瞎聊,瞎談 chat aimlessly, see 瞎說 [xia1shuo1]↓; 瞎猜 a mere conjecture, guess blindly; 瞎找 look for things without plan; 瞎賴 to deny responsibility by talking nonsense; 瞎碰 hope to find s. t. by luck; 瞎貓拖死耗子 a blind cat catching a dead mouse; 瞎摸合眼 to grope in the dark.
| Words | 1. 瞎掰 [xia1bai1], V.i., to waste effort to no purpose. 2. 瞎扯 [xia1che3], V.i., to ramble aimlessly; to lie or invent stories. 3. 瞎道兒 [xia1dao4er0], n., (1) a futile action; (2) harmful pursuits (=邪道兒). 4. 瞎話 [xia1hua4], n., a lie. 5. 瞎抓 [xia1zhua1], V.i., see [xia1bai1]↑. 6. 瞎鬧 [xia1nao4], V.i., do foolish things; be unruly, boisterous. 7. 瞎說 [xia1shuo1], v.i. & n., (to talk) nonsense: 別瞎說 don't talk nonsense. 8. 瞎子 [xia1zi0], n., a blind person. 9. 瞎眼 [xia1yan3], adj., blind, also 瞎了眼.