释义 |
眼眼 | 666A40 41B.02-5 | 部居
| 畫數 11 | ㄧㄢˇ [yan3] | N. | (1) The eye: 眼睛 [yan3jing0]↑; 開眼,張眼 open one's eyes; 合眼 close eyes; 瞎眼 blind; 眼跳 eyes twitch (said to be omen of bad news); 瞥眼 (see) in a flash; 眼裡不揉沙子 refuse to be hoodwinked; 眼不見為淨 (food) is regarded as clean so long as you do not see how it is prepared; 眼絲兒不見就走了 in a wink he was gone; 眼看著 see with one's own eyes; 另眼看待 treat, welcome, with special regard; 打馬虎眼 pretend not to see, to overlook; 礙眼 it hurts to see (s. t.); 偷眼 give a furtive glance; 笑眼 a smiling glance; 虎眼 angry look; 鼠眼 narrow slits of eyes; 獨眼龍 (facet.) one-eyed person (cf. the Cyclops); 四眼田雞 (facet.) person wearing shortsighted spectacles; 青眼 look with favor (with black of eye); 白眼 look with disfavor (with white of eye). (2) Insight, vision, power of vision, angle or level of judgment: 眼界,眼光,眼力 [yan3jie4], [yan3guang1], [yan3li4]↓; 眼高 highly critical; 眼高手低 high in aim but low-rate in execution, have high ambition but no real ability; 眼拙 (court.) not to recognize a distinguished person; 眼岔 vision blurred; 眼離 [yan3li2]↓; 望眼欲穿 expect to see s. o. who never comes; shade in eyes as showing certain emotions: 眼紅 jealous; 眼藍(正為這件事急得眼藍) desperately anxious; 眼黑愛鈔 greedy, with a black conscience; 眼白 [yan3bai2]↓; 眼饞,眼熱 greedy to possess a thing after seeing it; 眼尖 sharp-eyed. (3) A hole: 針眼 needle hole; 洞眼 opening to cave; 錢眼 hole in coin; 井眼 hole in the well; 雙眼井 well with double holes; 屁股眼兒 anus; 心眼 the mind's eye; 點眼 fill a space in chess. (4) Salient or weighted point: 字眼 meaning of a phrase; 字眼兒 choice of words, special phrases; 板眼 the beat in operatic song, stress in musical bar.
| Words | 1. 眼巴巴 [yan3ba1ba1], adv., (waiting) anxiously. 2. 眼白 [yan3bai2], n., (physiol.) the white of the eye (also called 鞏膜,白膜). 3. 眼波 [yan3bo1], n., a fluid glance (of woman). 4. 眼前 [yan3qian2], adv., in the present moment, in immediate presence: 吃眼前虧 accept a present loss; 眼前歡 a momentary pleasure; 眼前花(兒) children at home regarded as flowers to please the eye; 眼前報 immediate retribution. 5. 眼球 [yan3qiu2], n., eyeball; see [yan3zhu1er0]↓. 6. 眼圈兒 [yan3chua1er0], n., the region of eye socket: 眼圈兒一紅 about to cry (also 眼圈子). 7. 眼毒 [yan3du2], n., as in 招人的眼毒 meet with hostile looks. 8. 眼福 [yan3fu2], n., a chance to enjoy seeing s. t. unusual or delightful. 9. 眼光(兒) [yan3guang1]([er0]), n., (1) judgment, discrimination (good, bad, superficial); (2) state of attention (focussed, distracted, listless, etc.); (3) taste: 這件怕不對他的眼光兒 this I'm afraid will not suit his taste. 10. 眼花 [yan3hua1], adj., dim in vision: 眼花撩亂 see things in a blur; 眼花兒 darling, the apple of one's eye: 看他的兒女好像眼花兒似的 his children are his darlings. 11. 眼睜睜 [yan3zheng1zheng1], adv., seeing with open eyes (an act committed). 12. 眼瞼 [yan2jian3], n., the eyelid. 13. 眼見得 [yan3jian4de0], adv., before one's eyes (s. t. happens). 14. 眼界 [yan3jie4], n., range of experience: 眼界廣 has a wide range of experience; 開眼界 open up a new vista, see s. t. novel. 15. 眼睫毛 [yan3jie2mao2], n., eyelashes. 16. 眼結膜 [yan3jie2mo2], n., conjunctiva. 17. 眼猗角兒 [yan3ji0jiao3er0], n., corners of one's eyes. 18. 眼鏡 [yan3jing4] n., spectacles; 眼鏡蛇 [yan3jing4she2], (zoo.) the cobra. 19. 眼睛 [yan3jing0], n., the eye; also (fig.) 做他的眼睛 be spy for him, see [yan3mu4]↓. 20. 眼珠兒 [yan3zhu1er0], n., pupil of the eye; (fig.) power of discrimination: 真沒眼珠兒 fail to recognize thing for what it is; 眼珠子 (a) eyeball; (b) darling in one's eyes. 21. 眼中釘 [yan3zhong1ding1], n., an eyesore, a hated person that one wishes removed: 眼中刺 ditto; 眼中人 sweetheart. 22. 眼科 [yan3ke1], n., ophthalmology, study dealing with diseases of the eye: 眼科專家 oculist, ophthalmologist. 23. 眼眶(子) [yan3kuang4]([zi0]), n., the eye socket. 24. 眼庫 [yan3ku4], n., eye bank. 25. 眼孔 [yan2kong3], n., (1) the eye; (2) see [yan3jie4]↑; 眼孔大 wide range of experience. 26. 眼淚 [yan3lei4], n., tears. 27. 眼簾 [yan3lian2], n., iris (of the eye). 28. 眼力 [yan3li4] ([yan3li0]), n., power of discrimination; 眼力見兒 [yan3li4jia4er0], tact. 29. 眼離 [yan3li2], n., hallucination. 30. 眼面前(兒) [yan3mian0qian2] ([yan3mian0qia2er0]), phr., 眼面前的事 things of common daily occurrence. 31. 眼目 [yan3mu4], n., (1) the eye; (2) spy who reports to s. o. what he sees. 32. 眼皮(兒) [yan3pi2] ([yan3pierer0]), n., the eyelid: 眼皮子底下 under one's eyes, at present; 眼皮子淺 shortsighted; 眼皮兒雜 has many social contacts. 33. 眼色 [yan3se4], n., (1) a look, glance of the eye as signal: 遞箇眼色與他 gave him a meaningful glance; (2) facial expression, countenance: 看人的眼色 watch s. o.’s look or mood, esp. superior's. 34. 眼生 [yan3sheng1], adj., looking unfamiliar; cf. [yan3shu2]↓. 35. 眼神(兒) [yan3shen2] ([yan3she2er0]), n., look, expression in one's eyes. 36. 眼下 [yan3xia4], adv., at present (also 目下); within survey. 37. 眼線 [yan3xian4] ([yan3xian0]), police informer leading to culprit's hide-out. 38. 眼系兒 [yan3xie4er0], n., the structure of nerves, muscles, etc. which constitute the eye (also 眼系子). 39. 眼熟 [yan3shu2], adj., familiar-looking. 40. 眼同 [yan3tong2], prep., together with: 眼同證人 (=會同) together with the witness(es). 41. 眼子 [yan3zi0], n., a hole in flute, tube, etc. 42. 眼網膜 [yan2wang3mo4], n., retina. 43. 眼窩(兒)(子) [yan3wo1]([er0])([zi0]), n., the eye socket. 44. 眼暈 [yan3yUn4], adj., dizzy, giddy.