释义 |
看看 | 1155C50 90.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 9 | ㄎㄢˋ [kan4] (*ㄎㄢ [kan1] ). | V.t. | (1) To look, see: 看一看,看一下 have a look; 看了看 take a look see again and again; see 看看 [kan4kan4]↓; 看呆了 watch intently, stare at with curious interest; 看書,看報 read book, papers; 看不下去 not readable; 看電影,看戲 see a movie, a play; 看熱鬧 join in the holiday crowd; 看風水 (geomancer) choose sites for houses or graves, (necromancer) see the layout of landscape from a particular spot; followed by 得 (positive) and 不 (negative) with complement: 看不出來,看不清楚 cannot see clearly; 看得過眼兒 (thing) looks agreeable; 看不過眼兒 (person) get a revolting feeling (as seeing a bully); 看不順眼兒 (person) not used to the (disgusting) sight; 看見,看不見 can, cannot see; 觀看 see and appreciate (exhibit, landscape); 查看 look into (accounts, etc.); 好看 good-looking; 不好看,難看 ugly; 面子不好看 embarrassing. (2) To see a point, realize, appreciate: 依我看 as I see it; 看見,看法 [kan4jian4], [kan4fa3]↓; 看透了 see through (a trick); 看破 [kan4po4]↓; 看穿了 to realize futility or falsity, be more detached; 看中 ([zhong4])了, 看上了 have a liking for (a girl, an object.) (3) Watch: 看風頭,看風使帆 trim the sail to the wind; 看機會 watch for opportunity; 看著辦 act as one sees fit; 看嘴臉,看臉子,看眉眼 watch (superior's) countenance; 看某人面上 to act to please s.o., for favor of s.o. (4) To visit: 看朋友,病人 visit a friend, patient. (5) (*[kan1]) In specific words and phrr. denoting “in charge of” or “person in charge”: 看酒,看茶 (waiter) take charge of wine, tea; 看座, 看座兒的 waiter in charge of seating customers at restaurant or theater; 看門,看家,看守,看護 [kan1men2], [kan1jia1], [kan1shou3], [kan1hu4], etc.↓; 看孩子 (maid) look after child; 看家狗 watchdog; 看財奴 miser; 看街的 formerly, sheriff's assistant in charge of law and order; 看車的 person keeping an eye on the cars, as in parking lot. (6) (*[kan1]) To detain 看押 [kan1ya1]↓; 看起來, 把他看住 detain (person) or keep under surveillance; 看死了 die in prison; (football) watch a particular opponent. (7) (*[kan1]) (Re. pr. in Tarng and MC poetry) to see, look.
| Vb. complement. | And see: 試試看,做做看 try and see; 摸摸看 feel (in pocket) and see; 找找看 try to look for it. 稱稱看 weigh and see.
| Words | 1. 看病 [kan4bing4], v.t., (patient) sees a doctor, (doctor) examines patient. 2. 看輕 [kan4qing1], v.t., to look down upon. 3. 看齊 [kan4qi2], v.i., (mil.) “eyes right,” etc.; (fig.) keep in line generally. 4. 看穿 [kan4chuan1], v.t., see through, be disillusioned; see [kan4po4]↓. 5. 看跌 [kan4die2], v.i., anticipate a lowering market. 6. 看法 [kan4fa3], n., way one looks at it: 依我看法 as I see it; 看法不同 another way of looking at it. 7. 看管 *[kan1guan3], v.t., (1) take care of, look after (house and garden); [kan4guan3], (2) put in prison. 8. 看官 [kan4guan1], n., (in old fashioned novels) an address to “my readers.” 9. 看顧 [kan4gu4], v.t., to look after, take care of (child, house, etc.). 10. 看護 *[kan1hu4], n., a nurse (now also called 護士). 11. 看漲 [kan4zhang4], v.i., anticipate a rising market. 12. 看家 *[kan1jia1], v.i., to watch the house (while others go away); 看家的錢 money for household expenses; 看家的 formerly, guard for house and property. 13. 看見 [kan4jian4], v.t., (actually) see: 看得見 can see; 看不見 cannot see; 看見光景不對 see that the situation is all wrong (and take departure). 14. 看重 [kan4zhong4], v.t., think greatly of, value (person) (cf. [kan4qing1]↑). 15. 看看 [kan4kan4], v.t., take a look (at papers, museum, etc.); examine (eyes, intestines); wait and see: 看看情形如何 see how the situation develops; seeing that: 看看年終將到 seeing that the year-end is drawing near. 16. 看來 [kan4lai2], phr., appear, look like. 17. 看門 *[kan1men2], v.i., to keep the gate: 看門的 gatekeeper. 18. 看破 [kan4po4], n., see through (trick, falseness); decide to quit, after seeing through: 看破紅塵 (Budd.) see through the emptiness of the material world. 19. 看小 [kan4xiao3], v.i., see [kan4die2]↑. 20. 看相 [kan4xiang4], v.t., to read fortune (by face, palm lines). 21. 看守 *[kan1shou3], v.t., to keep (person) under detention; 看守所 detention house. 22. 看押 *[kan1ya1], v.t., as in 看押起來 arrest and detain.