

ㄓˊ [zhi2. [Usu. wr. ]
V.t.To straighten up or out: 其冤 to redress a wrong done to s.o.;
腰兒 stretch (body) a bit.
Adj.(1)  Erect, vertical, straight, not crooked: 垂 perpendicular, hang straight;
上 straight up;
下 perpendicular;
腿 stretch legs straight;
挺挺,蹶蹶 straight and stiff (in erect or prostrate position);
勾勾,瞪瞪 stare bluntly, scared stiff;
very straight;
the right and wrong of parties in quarrel.
(2)  Straight and honest: 正 fair and honest;
(3)  Straight forward: 脾氣 straight temper: [zhi2xing4]↓;
honorable, inflexible, incorruptible;
心眼兒 forthright (person);
漢 an honest fellow;
,率 frank, candid, straight forward (confession, admission);
話 give a straight talk;
(4)  On duty: 日 (=值日) day on duty.
Adv.(1)  Straight, directly: 達 go straight or directly;
視 look straight;
秉筆畫 write the truth without fear or favor;
言,說 talk straight;
in a straight manner;
前,向前往 go straightforward;
陳 to present (facts) straight.
(2)  Continuously: 一走 go without stop;
說 (or 哭) 下去 talk (or cry) on and on;
來 go and come back without stopover;
等一個人 keep waiting (without stop) for a person;
到 (conj.) until: 到日入 until sundown;
到今日 until today.
(3)  Just, only indeed: 是 be indeed, be just (a shadow, a phantasy, a joke, etc.);
須 need only to (ask him direct, etc.);
不百步耳 (孟子) (of a retreating army retreating fifty paces) only difference is that it did not retreat a hundred paces.
Words1. [zhi2bi3], phr., record historical events without fear or favor.
2. [zhi2chang2], n., the rectum.
3. [zhi2chen2], n., an outspoken minister.
4. [zhi2dao4]1, prep. & conj., until.
5. [zhi2dao4]2, adj. & n., honest, straight dealing, the straight and narrow path.
6. 點兒 [zhi2diaaer0], adv., (apologize, etc.) continuously, repeatedly without stop.
7. [zhi2duo2], n., (of jacket or ancient robe) open with line of buttons straight down the center.
8. [zhi2gen1], n., (bot.) axial root.
9. [zhi2guan1], n., intuition, intuitive perception, see [zhi2jUe2]↓.
10. [zhi2gong1], phr., (LL) see [zhi2dao4]2↑.
11. 棍兒 [zhi2guo4er0], n., (pop.) an honest fellow.
12. [zhi2jiang3], n., formerly, a lecturer at government college (國子監).
13. [zhi2jiao3], n., (math.) right angle; 角柱 right prism; 角錐 right pyramid; 角體 a cuboid; 角三角形 right-angled triangle.
14. [zhi2jian4], phr., to advise or admonish emperor at risk of latter's wrath.
15. [zhi2jie2]1, adj. & adv., direct, direct-ly; 接民權 rights of referendum and recall; 接教授法 direct method of teaching modern language.
16. [zhi2jie2]2, adj. direct (communication, line): 捷 (or 截) 了當 phr., simple and direct (opp. beating about the bush).
17. [zhi2jing4], n., (math.) diameter.
18. [zhi2ji3], phr., see [zhi2dao4]2↑.
19. [zhi2zhi4], (1) adj., straight, without wavering; (2) adv., until, so that.
20. [zhi2jUe2], n., intuition.
21. [zhi2liang4], adj., (AC) right and honorable (persons).
22. [zhi2li4], n., formerly, name for Hopei Province.
23. [zhi2liu0], adj., very smooth and straight.
24. [zhi2liu2], n., (phys.) direct current.
25. [zhi2mo4], (1) adj., (bot.) straight-veined; (2) n., direct line of descent, see [zhi2xi4]↑.
26. [zhi2sheng1], (1) n., reputation for honesty; (2) phr., (cry) aloud.
27. 升機 [zhi2sheng1ji1], n., helicopter (or 昇).
28. [zhi2xian4], n., (math.) straight line, or right line.
29. [zhi2xia2], adj., under direct jurisdiction of central government.
30. [zhi2xi4], n., direct line (relatives).
31. 性(兒)(子) [zhi2xing4er0], (-[zi0]), adj., forthright (character).
32. 受兒 [zhi2shou4er0], phr., to receive gifts without giving in return.
33. [zhi2shuang3], adj., outspoken, straightforward, forthright.
34. [zhi2shuai4], adj., ditto.
35. [zhi2yi4], v.t. & n., (to render) literal translation.
36. [zhi2yU4], n., simile.





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