释义 |
盤盤 | 1207A35 91.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 15 | ㄆㄢˊ [pan2] . [Dist.槃,磐] | N. adjunct. | 一盤生意 a business deal; 一盤棋 a game of chess.
| N. | A tray, plate, dish: 一盤菜 a dish at table; 冷盤,涼盤 hors d'oeuvres; 拚盤 mixed hors d'oeuvres; usu. 盤子 [pan2zi0]↓ or 盤兒 [pa2er0]: 臉盤兒 a person's face contour; anc. tub (cogn. modn.盆); a platelike object, like 棋盤 chessboard, 10B.80; 算盤 abacus, 92A.20; 打算盤 calculate cost and profit. (2) Market prices, quotations on stock market: 開盤,收盤 opening, closing quotations. (3) A surname.
| V.t. | (1) To investigate: 盤賬 audit accounts; 盤庫,盤貨 take inventory of stockpiles, goods; To cross-examine: 盤問,盤究 [pan2wen4], [pan2jiu4]↓. (2) To sell out shop: 盤店,出盤 offer to sell. (3) To grind jade. (4) To cross, entwine, twist about: 盤膝,盤腿兒 to cross legs; 盤起髮辮 coil up queue on the head; 盤根錯節 (of trees) with twisting roots and intercrossing branches.
| Words | 1. 盤剝 [pan2bo2]1, v.t., practice usury; otherwise rob (person) of his property. 2. 盤駁 [pan2bo2]2, v.i. & t., crossexamine repeatedly. 3. 盤礡 [pan2bo2]3, adj., expansive, encompassing in space (also 旁礡 see 60.50). 4. 盤纏 [pan2chan0], n., money for travelling expenses. 5. 盤查 [pan2cha2], v.t., examine thoroughly (luggage at customs). 6. 盤錢 [pan2qian2], n., ditto. 7. 盤川 [pan2chuan1], n., see [pan2fei4]↓. 8. 盤曲 [pan2qU1], v.i. & adj., winding, twisting, having many turns (of roads). 9. 盤費 [pan2fei4], n., money for travelling expenses; daily expenses. 10. 盤槓子 [pan2gang4zi0], n., physical exercise at crossbars. 11. 盤古 [pan2gu3]1, n., (Chin. myth.) person who created the universe. 12. 盤骨 [pan2gu3]2, n., pelvis, also (骨盤). 13. 盤桓 [pan2huan2], v.i., loiter, linger around. 14. 盤互 [pan2hu4], adj., crossing and recrossing. 15. 盤獲 [pan2huo4], v.t., find (smuggled goods, booty) after search. 16. 盤結 [pan2jie2], adj., intertwining (of branches). 17. 盤究 [pan2jiu4], v.t., make thorough investigation. 18. 盤轉 [pan2zhuan3], v.i. & t., to pan. 19. 盤踞 [pan2jU4], v.t., occupy (要津 high posts, strategic posts). 20. 盤弄 [pan2long4], v.t., (=撥弄), stir up trouble. 21. 盤龍癖 [pan2long2pi3], n., gambling habit (allu. to anc. gambler, Liu Parnlurng). 22. 盤尼西林 [pan2ni2xi1lin2], n., (translit.) penicillin. 23. 盤繞 [pan2rao2], v.i. & t., surround, loiter around (person); v.i. & t. fill (heart) with memories; v.i. & t. fill (room) with incense, smoke. 24. 盤香 [pan2xiang1], n., incense coils. 25. 盤旋 [pan2xUan2], n. & v.i. & t., circle around (of roads); play diplomacy with person. 26. 盤算 [pan2suan0], v.i., calculate. 27. 盤 [pan2sun1], n., see [pan2can1]↓. 28. 盤餐 [pan2can1], n., picnic; blue plate type of dinner. 29. 盤陀 [pan2tuo2], (1) n., (AC) (poet.) saddle; (2) adj., rugged (of rocks). 30. 盤子 [pan2zi0], n., (1) A plate, dinner plate; (2) vessel for grinding jade; (3) tips at singsong houses. 31. 盤資 [pan2zi1], n., see [pan2fei4]↑. 32. 盤問 [pan2wen4], v.t., interrogate (suspects, etc.). 33. 盤渦 [pan2wo1], n., whirlpool. 34. 盤鴉 [pan2ya1], n., woman's coiled hairdo. 35. 盤牙 [pan2ya2], n., cogs on wheel. 36. 盤鬱 [pan2yU4], adj., (of foliage) heavy and intertwining. 37. 盤運 [pan2yUn4], n. & v.t., ship (goods).