释义 |
盛盛 | 1048A20 71.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄕㄥˋ [sheng4] (*ㄔㄥˊ [cheng2] ). | N. | (1) A surname. (2) (*[cheng2]) 粢盛 sacrificial offerings.
| V.t. | (*[cheng2]) To fill a bowl (with rice, etc.); 盛殮 [cheng2lian0]↓.
| Adj. | (1) Vast, stupendous, great: 豐盛 rich (harvest, business); 盛舉 [sheng4jU3]↓; 年少氣盛 young and impetuous; 盛會 a grand occasion; 盛筵 a great banquet; 盛名 a great reputation; 盛怒 great anger. (2) Prosperous: 茂盛 thriving (garden, plants); 興盛 prosperous, thriving (commerce, industry, nation); 盛世 [sheng4shi4]↓; 盛衰 [sheng4shuai1]↓.
| Adv. | Greatly: 盛行 [sheng4xing2]↓.
| Words | 1. 盛氣 [sheng4qi4], n., explosive manner of person: 盛氣凌人 browbeat other people, carry an arrogant air. 2. 盛情 [sheng4qing2], n., (court.) your great hospitality or kindness. 3. 盛服 [sheng4fu2], n., (AC, LL) festive of formal dress. 4. 盛舉 [sheng4jU3], n., a great undertaking: 共襄盛舉 cooperate with this great project. 5. 盛殮 *[cheng2lian0], n., proper laying-in of deceased. 6. 盛年 [sheng4nian2], n., a year of good crops. 7. 盛夏 [sheng4xia4], n., midsummer. 8. 盛行 [sheng4xing2], v.i., spread widely: 其道盛行 its teachings are very popular. 9. 盛世 [sheng4shi4], n., a great, prosperous era. 10. 盛衰 [sheng4shuai1], n., the rise and fall (of dynasties); prosperity and decline. 11. 盛意 [sheng4yi4], n., see [sheng4qing2]↑.