

ㄅㄞˊ [bai2 (sp. pr. ㄅㄞˊ [bai2; re. pr. *ㄅㄛˊ [bo2; in certain phrr. marked **ㄅㄞˊ [bai2, or **ㄅㄛˊ [bo2, alternate pr. also used.)
N.(1)  A surname.
(2)  The spoken parts of opera, such as dialogue: 說,道 also 口(兒) [bai2kou1] ([er0])↓;
(3)  浮一大 (*[bo2]) have a strong drink, to celebrate (大 name of goblet).
V.i. & t.(1)  (LL) to present (case), clear up, lay before or confess to superior: 表心跡 bare one's heart, true intentions;
to explain oneself, confess;
無以自 no chance to explain;
含冤莫 suffer unjust accusation, with no chance to clear one's name;
真相大 the case is entirely cleared up.
(2)  Turn white: 了少年頭 hair turns white on a young head, from deep sorrow.
Adj.(1)  White in color: 頭,髮 white hair;
頭偕老 (of married couple) reach old age together;
white as snow;
這丫頭生得淨淨的 this maid has a very fair complexion;
茫茫 cloud-covered, mist-covered;
晃晃,晰晰,皚皚,森森 dazzlingly white;
生生 (of complexion) pale;
鄧鄧 white with anger;
眼 cold stare, cold disdainful look, showing white of eye: 遭人眼 receive such stare;
眼看人 giving such look;
駒過隙 phr., life is short like white pony's shadow across a crevice;
面書生 white-faced scholar, inexperienced in life;
眉赤眼兒 phr., bare-faced (lie);
色恐怖 white terror;
雲蒼狗 (allu.) the vicissitudes of fortune, events (like changing cloud formations);
雲親舍 phr., remembrance of parents (home) “from sight of white clouds”;
the color of mourning: 穿 wear white of mourning;
hence 事 (**[bai2]) funeral, contrasted with 紅事 wedding;
hence 紅 wedding and funeral gifts;
part of many compp., as [bai2tang2], [bai2mian4]↓.
(2)  Clear: 明 clear, easy to understand;
不清不,不明不 not clear, also not open, slightly underhand (of conduct).
(3)  Clean, pure, whole, plain, unmixed, unblemished, unused: 潔 fresh and clean (skin, laundry);
一面鏡子 has a clear face, or innocent heart;
開水 plain boiled water;
飯 rice without things to go with it, also white, polished rice;
文 text without commentary;
煮 boiled in plain water;
卷 hand in blank examination paper;
手 empty-handed;
手成家 built up fortune from scratch, a self-made man;
璧微瑕 (**[bo2]) phr., slight flaw in a white jade, (fig.) blemish in man's good character.
Adv.(1)  For no reason, in vain, without results, gain or compensation: 等 wait in vain;
忙 work in vain, waste efforts;
費(脣舌,金錢,工夫) waste (words, money, efforts);
這話不是說了麼 don't you think the words were completely wasted? 死,活 die, live in vain;
念,想 hope futilely;
的 without results;
充數 just fill up the number without competency;
效勞,勞神 labor in vain;
得了 got it free;
走了一趟 made a trip to no purpose;
做了一天工夫 work a whole day without results;
送,給 give away, give away foolishly;
吃 eat without pay;
地斷肝腸 (*[bo2]) vainly longing for loved one.
(2)  Simply, just: 叫了半天,不答應 knocked at the door for a long time, but just got no reply;
他今天不知怎的,不肯吃酒 he simply refused to drink today, I don't know why.
Words1. 鼻子 [bai2bi2zi0], n., a sly person.
2. [bai2qian1], n., zinc.
3. [bai2qian2], n., (1) paper money for the dead; (2) (dial.) a pickpocket.
4. 鏹 **[bai2qiang2], n., silver.
5. [bai2qi4], n., unregistered deed, contract, contrasted with 紅契.
6. 癡 *[bo2chi1], n., idiot, mentally arrested person.
7. 屈菜 [bai2qU1cai4], n., a medical herb, Chelidonium majus.
8. [bai2da1], adv., in vain.
9. [bai2da3], n. & v.i., (AC) game of shuttlecocks; (a hand) fight without weapons.
10. [bai2dai4], n., leucorrhoea.
11. 癜風 [bai2dian4feng1], n., (med.) see 癜 61A.82.
12. 丁 **[bai2ding1], n., illiterate person; (AC) common man, private.
13. 丁香 [bai2ding1xiang1], n., (bot.) white lilac; sparrow drippings used for treating wounds.
14. [bai2dou4], n., (bot.) white peas or beans.
15. [bai2dun3], n., kaolin, white clay used for porcelain.
16. 堊 **[bai2e4]1, n., (min.) chalk; n., 堊系 [bai2e4xi4], n., (geol.) cretaceous system.
17. [bai2e4]2, n., (bot.)=玉簪, the tuberose, also Hosta sieboldiana.
18. [bai2e4]3, n., White Russian(s).
19. [bai2fan2], n., alum.
20. 附子 [bai2fu4zi3], n., (bot.) a medical herb.
21. 乾(兒) [bai2gan1]([bai2ga1er0]), n., strong liquor made from 高粱 60.42 [gao1liang2].
22. 鴿 [bai2ge1], n., pigeon; 鴿眼 look of disdain.
23. 圭 **[bo2gui1], (AC) allu., need for caution in speech (can grind off flaw in jade, but not undo damage of words).
24. [bai2gong1], n., the White House.
25. 果(兒) [bai2guo3]([er0]), n., (1) gingko tree, its fruits; 果松 the gingko pine; (2) euphem. for hen's egg (to avoid the word “egg”).
26. 骨 **[bai2gu3], n., bones of the dead.
27. [bai2hao1], n., (bot.) white rush, Artemisia stelleriana.
28. [bai2hou2], n., diphtheria.
29. [bai2hua0], n. & v.t., sweet words to console; [bai2hua1], spend (time, money) without results.
30. [bai2hua4], n., the vernacular: 話文學 vernacular literature.
31. 化病 [bai2hua4bing4], n., a plant disease, causing loss of colors in leaves.
32. [bai2hui1], n., lime.
33. [bai2huo4], n., (coll.) heroin.
34. [bai2hu3], n., “White Tiger”: (a) an evil spirit; (b) name of a star; (c) the right side; (d) a woman without pubic hair.
35. [bai2zhai1], n., vegetarian fast, excluding also salt, sauces.
36. **[bo2jian3], n., (LL) letter of impeachment.
37. 殭蠶 [bai2jiang1can2], n., silkworm which died from a certain disease, used as medicine.
38. 金 **[bai2jin1], n., platinum.
39. [bai2jiu3], n., [bai2gan1]↑.
40. 芨 **[bai2ji2], n., (bot.) mucilaginous root, used as medicine.
41. 晝 **[bo2zhou4], n. & adv., (in) daytime.
42. 紵 *[bo2zhu4], n., fine linen.
43. [bai2zhuo2], n., gonorrhea.
44. [bai2zhu2], n., see 朮 10.01.
45. [bai2zhi3], n., (also wr. 茞) (bot.) Angelica anomala, an aromatic herb.
46. 口(兒) [bai2kou1]([er0]), n., dialogue spoken part in opera.
47. [bai2la4]1, n., white wax: 蠟蟲 (zoo.) Flata limbata, insect which exudes material for making wax.
48. [bai2la4]2, n., solder.
49. 蘭地 [bo2lan2di4], n., brandy.
50. 蘞 **[bo2lian4], n., (bot.) Ampelopsis serjaniaefolia.
51. [bai2lian4], n., (LL) white silk; (fig.) waterfall.
52. 蓮教 [bai2lian2jiao4], n., White Lotus Society, a secret sect.
53. [bai2li4], n., (med.) dysentery, dysenteria alba.
54. 領階級 [bai2ling3jie1ji2], phr., white-collar workers.
55. 榴石 [bai2liu2shi2], n., (min.) a kind of marble.
56. 蛉子 [bai2ling2zi0] ([bai3ling2zi0]), n., a kind of gnat.
57. 露 **[bai2lu4]1, n., name of season in old calendar, about Sept. 8.
58. [bai2lu4]2, n., egret.
59. 螞蟻 [bai2ma3yi4], n., white ant (also [bai2yi4]).
60. 毛兒汗 [bai2maarer0han4], n., big sweat.
61. 麻 **[bai2ma2], n., (1) hemp; (2) (AC) imperial edict.
62. [bai2mao2], n., reed, Imperata arundinacea; 茅千里 a stretch of monotony.
63. [bai2mei2]1, n., anthracite.
64. [bai2mei2]2, n., Mucor stolonifer, white mould on bread, etc.
65. [bai2mian4], n., white wheat flour; 麵兒 [bai2miaher0], heroin.
66. 描 **[bo2miao2], v.i. & n., paint, sketch, chiefly contour lines without color.
67. [bai2mi4], n., white honey.
68. 民 **[bo2min2], n., (AC) common people=丁.
69. [bai2mo4]1, n., (dial.) chalk.
70. 膜 **[bai2mo4]2, n., (biol.) sclerotic coat in the eye.
71. 木耳 [bai2mu4er3], n., edible, gelatinous white tree fungus.
72. 內障 [bai2nei4zhang4], n., (med.) cataract.
73. 拈賊 [bai2nian1zei2], n., a shoplifter.
74. [bai2pi1], n.,=砒霜 arsenic.
75. 皮書 [bai2pi2shu1], n., a white paper issued by government.
76. 皮松 [bai2pi2song1], n., white pine.
77. [bai2re4], adj., white heat: 熱化 adv., extreme state of passion; adj., 熱電燈 n., tungsten lamp.
78. 刃 *[bo2ren4], n., naked knives, swords: 刃戰 (mil.) hand-to-hand combat, bayonet charge.
79. [bai2ren2], n., white man.
80. 日 **[bai2ri4], adv., in broad daylight: 日見鬼 phr., (derog.) wild daydream, pure fantasy.
81. [bai2sha1], n., silica or silex.
82. 沙糖 [bai2sha1tang2], n., refined cane sugar.
83. 墡 **[bai2shan4]1, n., see [bai2e4]1↑.
84. [bai2shan4]2, n., white eel.
85. [bai2shao2], n., (bot.) root of peony (芍藥 20A.50) used as medicine.
86. **[bai2xiang3], n., a kind of preserved fish (also 首魚 Seiaena schlegeli).
87. 下 *[bo2xia4], n., (MC) anc. name of Nanking.
88. 相 *[bo2xiang4], v.t., (Shanghai dial.) to loaf and seek pleasure: 相人 (dial.) playboy.
89. [bai2xian1], n., (bot.) (also wr. 羶,羊鮮) Dictamnus albus, a medicinal herb.
90. 鷴 (also 鷳) **[bai2xian2], n., (zoo.) a kind of pheasant, Phasianus nyothemerus.
91. [bai2xiao1], n., insect which blights rice plants.
92. 晢 **[bai2xi4], (also 晰), adj., (LL) pure white (complexion).
93. [bai2xi2], n., pewter.
94. 首 **[bai2shou3], adj., white-haired.
95. [bai2shu3], n., potato.
96. 四喜兒 [bai2shi1xie1er0], n., clown in opera, whose nose region is painted white.
97. [bai2xUan1], n., (med.) ringworm.
98. 血病 [bai2xUe4bing4], n., leukemia.
99. [bai2xiong2], n., the white bear.
100. [bai2song1], n., white pine.
101. [bai2tang2], n., refined sugar.
102. [bai2teng2], n., rattan, cane plant.
103. [bai2tian1], n., daytime; adv., in daytime.
104. [bai2tiao2], n., a fish (also Zucco platypus).
105. [bai2tie3], n., tin, tin plate.
106. 頭翁 [bai2tou2weng1], n., (zoo.) the grey starling, Sturnus cineraceus.
107. [bai2cai4], n., cabbage.
108. 團扇 *[bo2tuan2shan3], n., white round silk fan.
109. 兔 *[bo2tu4], n., the rabbit in the moon; the moon.
110. [bai2tong2], n., white copper.
111. [bai2zi4], n., =別字 [bie2zi4], incorrect form of a character.
112. [bai2wei2], n., (bot.) Cynanchum atratum.
113. [bai2wen2], n., text without commentary.
114. [bo2yan4], n., the white goose.
115. [bai2yang2], n., the white poplar, Populus balsamifera.
116. 衣 *[bo2yi1], n., (AC) common people; 衣天使 “white angel,” nurse in white; 衣大士 the Goddess of Mercy (Kwanyin).
117. [bai2yi4], n., white ant.
118. [bai2yin2], n., silver dollar or ingot.
119. [bai2yU4], n., (bot.) small, white taro.
120. 魚 **[bai2yU2]1, n., (1) the white fish; (2) an insect (also 衣魚 Lepisma saccharina) which eats into clothing, paper.
121. 榆 **[bai2yU2]2, n., (bot.) the white elm.
122. 雲母 [bai2yUn2mu3], n., (min.) muscovite, of the mica group.
123. 雲石 [bai2yUn2shi2], n., dolomite, a kind of white marble.





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