

ㄊㄨㄥˋ [tong4 (vern. oft. *ㄊㄥˊ [teng2).[Cogn.疼 ㄊㄥˊ [teng2 61A.63 in both senses of “pain” and “love”]
N.(1)  Pain (oft. *[teng2]): 頭,牙,心 headache, toothache, heartache;
一陣陣 spells of pain;
(2)  Anguish, sorrow, grief: 忍 “endure the pain,” i.e., cut the loss or sell at a sacrifice, suffer s.t. to pass;
,悲 deep pain or grief;
哉 (excl.) alas! ah, me! 定思 take one's painful experience to heart.
V.i. & adj.(1)  Painful;
used as vb. in the sense “it hurts”: does it hurt? 酸 (of museles, bones) sore, stiff;
入骨髓 hurts to the bones;
得厲害,好殺殺 very painful;
不可忍 unbearably painful.
(2)  To love, care (oft. *[teng2]): 惜 love (a child, girl);
care for (person, esp. tender or helpless);
愛 love deeply (person), oft. 疼愛.
Adv.Deeply, bitterly: 打,毆 beat mercilessly;
罵一頓 give a sound scolding;
惡,恨 hate bitterly;
飲 drink to heart's content;
哭流涕 cry bitterly;
悔,改前非 contrition, repent greatly, turn a new leaf;
Words1. [tong4qie4], adj. & adv., deeply, earnestly, sincerely: 切陳詞 make a deeply felt plea.
2. [tong4chu3], adj. & n., painful; sufferings.
3. [tong4feng1], n., gout; rheumatic pain.
4. [tong4kuai4], adj. & adv., also 快快 (1) to heart's content, without mincing matters: 快快喝一杯 drink or gulp it straight down; 快淋漓 (of writing, esp. virulous attack) with great eloquence, stirring, moving; (2) direct in dealings: 這人很快 this man is forthright and simple; 做事很快 get things done simple, quickly; 說話很快 does not mince words, or talks directly and simply; 你快點好嗎 will you please be more explicit?
5. [tong4ku3], n. & adj., pain and sufferings: 苦的事 a painful affair.
6. [tong4xin1], phr., to hurt: 這事叫人心 this matter hurts deeply, is deplorable; 心疾首 resent or hate deeply; 心切齒 make one burn with anger.
7. [tong4yang3], n., “pain and itch”: 癢相關 care for one another's comfort and happiness; 不關癢 be completely indifferent to (another's welfare).





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