释义 |
疑疑 | 344C55 21S.83-3 | 部居
 | 畫數 14 | ㄧˊ [yi2] | V.i & t. | To doubt, suspect: 疑心,疑惑 [yi2xin1], [yi2huo4]↑; 不疑 doubt not; 無疑的 doubtlessly; 可疑 suspicious, questionable; 見疑 do not enjoy confidence; 多疑 prone to suspect, doubt; 令人生疑 arouse one's suspicion; 猜疑 to suspect; 嫌疑 93A.22; 疑信參半 half believe, do not believe entirely; 疑神疑鬼 imagine all sorts of things.
| Adj. | Unclear, unsettled, undecided: 疑案,疑義,疑問 [yi2an4], [yi2yi4]2, [yi2wen4]↓; 疑犯 [yi2fan4]↓.
| Words | 1. 疑案 [yi2an4], n., an unsettled case at court, a mystery case. 2. 疑謗 [yi2bang4], v.i. & t., to smear one's name, be subject to smearing. 3. 疑兵 [yi2bing4], n., (mil.) a feint to mislead enemy. 4. 疑貳 [yi2er4], v.i., become disaffected, of wavering loyalty. 5. 疑犯 [yi2fan4], n., a suspect (in a lawsuit). 6. 疑惑 [yi2huo4], n., doubt and perplexity; v.i., to be perplexed, to be wondering (what will happen, etc.). 7. 疑忌 [yi2ji4], v.t., to be jealous (of person); v., jealousy. 8. 疑懼 [yi2jU4], v.i. & n., (to live in) doubt and fear. 9. 疑慮 [yi2lU4], v.i. & t., to be worried, concerned; n., worry, concern. 10. 疑難 [yi2nan4], n., a difficulty, a difficult problem. 11. 疑相 [yi2xiang0], n., misunderstanding or mistake: 弄疑相 (coll.) do s.t. questionable. 12. 疑心 [yi2xin1], v.i., to guess, suspect: 我疑心是他 I guess it is he; 絕不疑心 have full confidence; 疑心病 morbid suspicion. 13. 疑似 [yi2si4], adj., apparently correct but is not, fallacious. 14. 疑團 [yi2tuan2], n., dark shadows of doubt lurking in one's mind. 15. 疑問 [yi2wen4], n., a question in gen.: 有甚麼疑問 any questions? 16. 疑意 [yi2yi4]1, n., doubt, suspicion in mind. 17. 疑義 [yi2yi4]2, n., doubtful or inadequately explained meaning of words. 18. 疑影 [yi2ying0], n., shadow of suspicion. 19. 疑獄 [yi2yU4], n., see [yi2an4]↑.