释义 |
疊疊 | 539B30 32.30 | ㄉㄧㄝˊ [die2] . [Pop. of 疊 41.30] |
疊 | 629C25 41.30 | 部居
 | 畫數 22 | ㄉㄧㄝˊ [die2] (*ㄉㄚˊ [da2] ). [Pop. 疊] | N. | (*[da2]) ([die2zi0]) A pile: 一疊子紙片,鈔票 a pile (pack) of cards, a wad of bank notes.
| V.t. | (1) To pile up: 疊起來 pile up, fold up; 疊羅漢 make a human pyramid, 層巒疊嶂 layer upon layer of mountains; 疊床架屋 senseless piling up of phrases. (2) (AC) 震疊 be frightened. (3) (AC) 疊鼓 rattle drum.
| Adj. & adv. | Repetitious: 重疊,重重疊疊 layer after layer, repeatedly.
| Words | 1. 疊句 [die2jU4], n., reiterative phr. or sentence, like “凄凄,慘慘,” also called 疊字. 2. 疊次 [die2ci4], adv., again and again, repeatedly (give warning, etc.). 3. 疊韻 [die2yUn4], n., two words having same vowel formation, e.g., [dang1lang1] (噹啷), cf. two words having same consonant, e.g., [ding1dang1] (叮噹), called 雙聲.