释义 |
當當 | 366C20 22.41 | 部居
| 畫數 13 | ㄉㄤ [dang1] (*ㄉㄤˋ [dang4] , *ㄉㄤˇ [dang3] ). [Abbr. ] | N. | (*[dang4]) (1) Trap, trick: 勾當 (contempt.) business; 上當 fall into trap. (2) Pawn: 贖當 redeem pawn ticket; 當當 ([dang4dang4]) to pawn object.
| Aux.vb. | Ought, should: usu. 該當,應當 ought, should; 罪當死 should die for crime; 早晨當起來 one should get up in the morning; 不當改期 should not postpone date; should in subjunctive use: 當已 should already have (arrived, etc.); 當會 should be able to ; 當必 should certainly; 當即 should then; 合當 should, it is proper that; 當斷不斷 fail to act when one should.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To fill an office, carry duty, bear: 當(擔當)責任 bear responsibility; 當不起,不了,不得 be not worthy to; 不敢當 you do me too much honor (regular answer to compliment); 當之無愧 to merit the reward, to be deserving; 承當 take up (responsibility); serve in capacity: 當兵 serve as soldier; 當差 as messenger, on errand; 當娼 be prostitute; 當班,當值 be on duty. (2) Be in charge of: 當國 be in charge of country's affairs (e.g., prime minister); 當家,當局,當權 [dang1jia1], [dang1jU2], [dang1qUan2]↓. (3) Meet, face, match: 當風 face the wind; 當太陽 exposed to the sun; 當…之時, see Prep.↓; 當仁不讓 in good causes do not lag behind; 豺狼當道 wolf stands astride road, (fig.) bad person in power; 銳不可當 army's attacking power cannot be checked. (4) (Also *[dang4]) regard as, take (s.t.) for something else: 當為上帝 regard (s.o.) as God; (不)當正經一回事 regard or fail to regard it as serious business; 當玩,當做玩,當玩意兒,當耍兒 regard as a game, not seriously; 當真 [dang1zhen1]↓; 當耳旁風 take advice like passing wind; 死馬當活馬醫 try last resort to save hopeless situation; 當某字解 regard certain character as another character in meaning. (5) (*[dang4]) To pawn: 當東西 pawn object. (6) (*[dang3]) Thought: 我當是誰,原來是你 it is you, I thought it was somebody else; 你當我是誰 whom did you take me for?
| Adj. | (1) ([dang1], *[dang4]) That very (day, year), the same (day, etc.), that, then: 當天 that very day; 當日 that same day, in those days; 當夜,當夕 that night; 當年 that year; 當時 at that time; 當初,當代,當今,當世 [dang1chu1], [dang1dai4], [dang1jin1], [dang1shi4]↓. (2) ([dang1]) Equal: 相當 equal to, corresponding to; 門當戶對 (of betrothal) two families match in social status. (3) (*[dang4]) Fit, proper: 穩當 safe; 妥當,適當 appropriate; 不當 not appropriate; 的當,甚當 very appropriate.
| Prep. | ([dang1]) At, in front of: 當…之時 at the time of ; 當先,當後 at the front, at the rear; 當中 at the middle; 當場 right on the spot; 當(著)眾人(面前) in front of everybody; 當眾宣布 announce in public; 當堂畫押 sign affidavit during court session; 當官 before the judge; 當面商量 discuss face to face; 當頭棒喝 (Budd.) give sharp advice for one to wake up from error; 當機立斷 decide on the moment, on the spot.
| Words | 1. 當差的 [dang1chai1de0], n., employee of the servant class. 2. 當戧 *[dang3qiang4], adj., useful, practicable. 3. 當初 [dang1chu1], adv., at the beginning, in days past. 4. 當權 [dang1qUan2], v.i., be in power. 5. 當代 [dang1dai4], adj., contemporary: 當代音樂 contemporary music. 6. 當道 [dang1dao4], n. & v.i., those in power; be in power; block the road. 7. 當店 *[dang4dian4], n., pawnshop. 8. 當關 [dang1guan1], n., (officer) in charge of strategic pass. 9. 當歸 [dang1gui1], n., (bot.) an aromatic herb, Ligusticum acutilobum, root of which being usu. used as med. 10. 當真 [dang1zhen1] (*[dang4zhen1]), (1) v.i., take seriously: 這事不可太當真 don't take this too seriously; (2) ([dang1zhen1]) adv., really: 他當真走了 he is really gone. 11. 當家 [dang1jia1], v.i., take charge of household affairs; v.i., 當家的 n., master or mistress of house; v.i., (coll.) wife's reference to husband; business manager of monastery; 當家婆婆,媳歸 mother-, daughter-in-law in charge of household; 當家(兒)(子) *[dang4jia1]([er0])([zi0]), person of same clan. 12. 當今 [dang1jin1], adv., nowadays. 13. 當軸 [dang1zhou2], n., person in power. 14. 當中 [dang1zhong1], n. & adj., middle, in the middle. 15. 當局 [dang1jU2], n., authorities (of school, town, government, etc.): 當局者迷 those closely involved cannot see as clearly as those outside. 16. 當口(兒) [dang1kou0]([er0]), n., just at the moment. 17. 當兒 [dang1er0], n., ditto. 18. 當量 [dang1liang4], n., (chem.) equivalent. 19. 當路 [dang1lu4], n., see [dang1dao4]↑. 20. 當罏 [dang1lu2], n., sell wine, be wine attendant for warming up wine, also wr. 盧,壚. 21. 當面 [dang1mian4], adv., (order, instruct, communicate) directly, in person. 22. 當票 *[dang4piao4], n., pawn ticket. 23. 當舖 *[dang4pu4], n., pawnshop. 24. 當然 [dang1ran2], adv., of course. 25. 當心 [dang1xin1], adj. & adv., careful, -ly; adj. & adv., n., center of chest. 26. 當世 [dang1shi4], n., contemporary. 27. 當事人 [dang1shi4ren2], n., person in change, parties to a quarrel or lawsuit. 28. 當時 [dang1shi2], adv., at that time. 29. 當選 [dang1xUan3], v.i., be elected. 30. 當頭人 [dang1tou2ren2], n., (coll.) wife's reference to husband as head of family. 31. 當槽兒的 [dang1cao2er0de1], n., (dial.) waiter at restaurant.