释义 |
略略 | 688B35 41S.40-9 | 部居
 | 畫數 11 | ㄌㄩㄝˋ [lUe4] (also ㄌㄧㄠˋ [liao4] ). [Var. ] | N. | (1) Essentials, main points, resume: 大略 main points, also adv., mostly, about; 約略 about (1,000 people); 史略 outline history. (2) Strategy: 謀略,策略 strategy; 戰略 military strategy.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To supervise, plan: 經略. (2) To ignore: 忽略 to neglect. (3) To invade (interch. 掠): 攻城略地 capture territory; 侵略 commit aggression, invade; 劫略 rob, loot.
| Adv. | About, cursorily, not intensely: 略如從前about like what it was; 略看一看 take a cursory glance; 略知一二 know just a little; 略言梗概 just tell the main points; 大致略同 mostly similar;
| Words | 1. 略微 just a little (show gratitude, dissatisfaction, remonstrate, etc.)