释义 |
留留 | 1156C30 90.41 | 部居
 | 畫數 10 | ㄌㄧㄡˊ [liu2] . [Classical form ; abbr. ] | N. | A surname.
| V.i. & t. | (1) To stay, ask to stay, to remain: 留客 ask guest to stay; 留宿 stay overnight; 留飯 (asking guest to) stop for lunch or supper; 請留步 (court., asking host to) stop sending off to the gate; 留職停薪 on leave without pay; 留任 serve for a second term; 留級 fail to be promoted to higher class in school; 挽留 request (person) not to resign; 慰留 ditto; 久留 stay a long while (on visit, etc.); 停留 stop over (in place), to stop in progress; 彌留之時 time when person was still living, lying in a coma. (2) To leave behind: 留言,留話 leave a message; 留下,遺留 leave behind (children, property, gifts); 留待將來 leave s.t. to be done later; 留待後言 to be continued later (in story); to leave room: 留退步 leave room for retreat; 不留餘地 press (s.o.) too hard, not leave room for later compromise; 留點面子 leave “face” for s.o., not completely disgrace s.o.; 留後手兒 leave room for future maneuver. (3) To study abroad: 留英,留美 study in England, U.S.; see 留學 [liu2xUe2]↓. (4) To grow, raise: 留鬍子 grow a beard; 留髮 let the hair grow long; 留辮子 keep a queue.
| Words | 1. 留別 [liu2bie2], v.i., give souvenir on parting. 2. 留情 [liu2qing2], v.i., show consideration: 處處留情 show kindness at every step; 筆下留情 forbear in critical remarks (not to hurt feelings). 3. 留都 [liu2du1], n., old capital, after new one has been established. 4. 留後 [liu2hou4], v.i., (1) be survived by children, leave posterity; (2) remain behind to take care of unfinished business. 5. 留級 [liu2ji2], v.i., fail and be kept in same grade at school. 6. 留 [liu2kun1], v.i., (allu., of prostitutes) show favor by asking patron to stay for the night. 7. 留戀 [liu2lian4], v.i. & t., to keep thinking (of s.o., some place) in memory; v.i. & t., sorry to leave. 8. 留連 [liu2lian2], v.i., linger, unwilling to leave (place). 9. 留難 [liu2nan4]([liu2nan0]), v.t., to embarrass: 故意留難 make difficulties for (person). 10. 留聲機 [liu2sheng1ji1], n., gramophone. 11. 留神 [liu2shen2], v.i. & t., be careful (of hostile moves, speech, land mines). 12. 留心 [liu2xin1], v.i. & t., be careful 留心世事 pay attention to world or national events. 13. 留守 [liu2shou3], n. & v.t., commandant in charge of place, district: to be in such command. 14. 留學 [liu2xUe2], v.i., to study abroad: 留日 (本), 留法 study in Japan, France; 留學生 “returned student”; (Chinese) student abroad. 15. 留意 [liu2yi4], v.i. & t., keep in mind: 請你留意 please keep in mind (my desire for opening, etc.).