释义 |
佛佛 | 1248A35 91A.22-2 | 部居
 | 畫數 7 | ㄈㄛˊ [fo2] (*ㄅㄧˋ [bi4] ). | N. | (1) (*[bi4]) 佛肸 Bihshi, AC proper name; (AC=弼) to assist. (2) Buddha, (Sakyamuni 釋迦牟尼, see 佛陀 [fo2tuo2])↓; also various Buddhas, applied to those having attained Buddhahood; Buddhahood, state of holiness and wisdom, also different manifestations of Buddha; Buddhist religion, things having to do with Buddhist faith: 佛殿,寺,廟,剎 Buddhist temple; 佛龕 niche for Buddha: 佛堂 hall with statue of Buddha, Buddhist sutra; 佛國,佛經 country of Buddha, Buddhist sutra; 佛會 Buddhist festival and activities; 禮佛,拜佛 to worship Buddha; 念佛 repeat the name of Buddha; 佛誕日 Buddha's birthday, the 8th of 4th lunar month; 浴佛節 festival of bathing of Buddha, 8th of 4th lunar month; 放下屠刀,立地成佛 “lay down the butcher's knife and become Buddha on the spot”--the Buddha nature being innate in man; 佛性 [fo2xing4]↓; 佛眼相看 (MC) regard with mercy; 佛口蛇心 words of Buddha and heart of a serpent; 佛頭戴糞 desecration, sacrilege; 活佛 living Buddha; 阿彌陀佛 Amitabha, used like “Halleluya!” “God be praised,” usu. fulfillment of a wish.
| Words | 1. 佛法 [fo2fa3], n., power of Buddha; the law of Buddha. 2. 佛果 [fo2guo3], n., the attainment of Buddhahood. 3. 佛海 [fo2hai3], n., the wide-open church of Buddhism. 4. 佛家 [fo2jia1], n., Buddhist follower; school of philosophy. 5. 佛甲草 [fo2jia2cao3], n., (bot.) Sedum lineare. 6. 佛教 [fo2jiao4], n., the Buddhist religion. 7. 佛經 [fo2jing1], n., sutra. 8. 佛老 [fo2lao3], n., Buddha and Laotse, their teachings oft. considered related in respect to life phenomena. 9. 佛門 [fo2men2], n., the school of Buddhism: 佛門弟子 Buddhist followers. 10. 佛桑 [fo2sang1], n., place name=扶桑 10A.81. 11. 佛像 [fo2xiang4], n., statue of Buddha. 12. 佛性 [fo2xing4], n., Buddha nature. 13. 佛手 [fo2shou3], n., an aromatic citrous fruit, with tip ending like fingers. 14. 佛事 [fo2shi4], n., Buddhist religious service: 做佛事 have mass, prayer said. 15. 佛陀 [fo2tuo2], n., translit. of term Buddha, quite exact in pronunciation of 600 A.D. 16. 佛祖 [fo2zu3], n., respectful address of Buddha. 17. 佛子 [fo2zi3], n., Bodhisattva 菩薩 20A.40; a Buddhist; a kind person.